Figure 10.
Pictorial rendition of the structural equation model that probes associations (yellow lines) between noradrenergic responsiveness (NE_Responsiveness; red) and attention performance (blue) in YA and OA on a latent level. Rectangles and ellipses represent manifest (observed) and latent variables, respectively. The triangle represents the constant. Cognitive manifest variables represent attention performance assessed in a Dichotic Listening Task (DLT; compare Figs. 1, 2), D2 task of attention (compare Table 2), DSST, and DST. Physiologic manifest variables represent the reinstatement of fear-conditioned ERPRs (compare Fig. 3), ERPs (compare Fig. 5), and ERDs (compare Fig. 7). Black diamonds on manifest variables represent the age group (YA = 1, broken lines; OA = 2, solid lines). (Co)variances (γ, σ) and loadings (λ) in parentheses indicate standardized estimates. Loadings that are freely estimated (*) but constrained to be equal across age groups (=) are indicated by both asterisk and equal signs (*=). The cognitive submodel demonstrated metric factorial invariance (invariant manifest means and errors across age groups), whereas the physiological submodel showed strict factorial invariance (manifest means and errors are constrained across groups).