SAB-159 protects hamsters when administered prior to HTNV exposure. (A) Hamsters were administered 10 mg/kg SAB-159 subcutaneously and serum collected and analyzed by HTNV PsVNA. The results of two experiments are shown for hamsters that were either serially bled following SAB-159 administration (n = 6, closed symbols) or hamsters bled on the indicated day following SAB-159 administration (n = 8, open symbols). GMT ± SEM are plotted. (B) The data from (A) was used to calculate the half-life of 12.1 days based on PsVNA50 data (closed symbols used for calculation). (C) Characterization of the protective efficacy of SAB-159 against HTNV challenge was determined by N-ELISA when SAB-159 was administered in decreasing concentrations on Day -1 prior to HTNV challenge, (D) at 10 mg/kg at increasing timepoints prior to HTNV challenge, and (E) at 10 mg/kg with increasing concentrations of HTNV challenge doses. PsVNA50 titers (open circles) are shown for hamsters in (C–E). The shaded gray area represents the limit of detection for the PsVNA assay. N-ELISA log10 titers are displayed for individual hamsters, ≥2 is positive.