Extended Data Fig. 8. Synthesis of novel conjugated bile acids by Clostridia spp.
a) Dotplot of the measured production of Phe-chol and Tyr-chol using a targeted LC-MS method for two Clostridium bolteae strains grown in fecal culture media (FCM) with or without labelled Phe (n=2). b) The mean ratio and standard error of 13C:12C phenylalanocholic acid from the same C. bolteae strains when grown with fecal culture media (FCM) with 13C-labelled phenylalanine (bottom left, n=2). c) Mean and standard deviation of the Shannon index of human fecal batch culture (n=3) before and after 24-hour growth exposed to conjugated bile acids or a mock control (NS = not significant by Mann-Whitney U-test). d) Box and whisker plots of concentration of Phe-chol and Tyr-chol in original SPF gut samples. (Boxes represent the IQR, the center is the median, and whiskers are 1.5 x the IQR, n=4)