(A) Identification of CD8+ T cells (previously gated as singlets, live, CD45+, CD3+) and subsequent gating of nonnaive CD8+ T cells lacking coexpression of CD45RA and CCR7. (B–D) Flow cytometric analyses of healthy donor (n = 10), iMCD-TAFRO flare (n = 9), and iMCD-TAFRO remission (n = 9) nonnaive CD8+ T cells with representative plots gating CD38+HLA-DR+ (B), PD-1+TIGIT+ (C), Ki67+ (D), and perforin+granzymeB+ CD8+ T cells (E) in flare and remission and comparison of frequencies across remission versus flare and healthy donor (HD) versus flare. Data are mean ± SEM. P values are based on paired 2-tailed t tests between remission and flare samples and unpaired 2-tailed t tests between healthy donor and flare with a Bonferroni’s correction for multiple comparisons. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01.