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. 2020 Apr 2;9:e54558. doi: 10.7554/eLife.54558

Appendix 3—table 6. Which HLA subtype alleles are responsible for the protective effects of HLA-B*57 in HCV infection?

Odds of spontaneous clearance of HCV was determined by logistic regression; we report the coefficient (Coeff), P value and number of individuals in the cohort with and without the HLA allele of interest. In all models, HBV seropositivity, mode of infection, SNP rs1297986 and subcohort were included as additional covariates. A coefficient >0 indicates a protective allele (increased odds of spontaneous clearance). The odds ratio of spontaneous clearance = exp(Coeff). Significance codes: p<0.001 ***; p<0.01 **; p<0.05 *; p<0.1. ; P values are two tailed.

Odds of spontaneous clearance N
Coeff P value HLA+ HLA-
B*57 0.62 0.01
84 698
B*57:01 0.41 0.20 49 733
B*57:02 2.02 0.08
5 777
B*57:03 0.57 0.16 29 753
B*57:05 15.53 0.99 1 781