Fig. 4.
RT x alters the molecular expression of extracellular matrix and p53 pathway genes without significant change in active TGFβ. A, Heat map of genes activated in the p53 pathway post irradiation of NHDF. B, A graph depicting the statistically significant ECM genes upregulated by RT x injury of NHDF at the 48 h time point compared with 0Gy controls. C, A graph demonstrating the effects of RT x on secretion of TGFβ in both active and latent states. Activated levels of TGFβ did not differ significantly between 0Gy and 10Gy groups, while latent levels only demonstrated a small significant increase in 10Gy compared with 0Gy NHDF controls. *P < 0.05, **P value < 0.01, NS = not significant). Error bars represent SEM, n ≥ 3 for all experiments.