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. 2020 May 27;40(5):BSR20191912. doi: 10.1042/BSR20191912

Table 1. Basic characteristics of the researches included.

Investigator Study design Study group Control group Group size Participants
Daniel, 2020 Prospective, RCT NMES + PR (treadmill, stationary bicycle, quadriceps resistance training, and breathing exercises) PR without any stimulation NMES + PR (n=19); PR (n=19) Clinically stable COPD, males, 40–75 years, eligibility to participate in exercise training, no acute exacerbations within 3 months
Mekki, 2018 RCT NMES + PR (comprised motion, stretching, low-intensity aerobic exercises, ergocycle, and interset break) PR without NMES NMES + PR (n=25); Control (n=20) COPD and post-bronchodilator results on spirometry of forced expiratory volume in 1 s/forced vital capacity < 0.7
Valenza, 2018 RCT Standard medical treatment + standard rehabilitation program with superimposed NMES Standard medical treatment based on long-acting bronchodilators without any physical therapy NMES group (n=18) Control group (n=18) Stable severe
COPD age ranging from 40 to 80 years
Bonnevie, 2018 Single-blind, multicenter randomized trial PR+NMES group underwent bilateral NMES of the quadriceps muscle at home Comprehensive PR program (outpatient or home-based) including respiratory physiotherapy, and strength and endurance training on a cycloergometer PR+NMES (n=27)
PR (n=24)
Severe COPD with forced expiratory volume in 1 s < 60% predicted with a total lung capacity > 80% predicted; baseline modified Medical Research Council dyspnea scale > 1; aged ≥ 18 years
Maddocks, 2016 Double-blind randomized, randomized trial NMES group received electrical stimulation of the quadriceps of both lower limbs Placebo NMES (I: 0–20 mA), insufficient to elicit a tetanic muscular contraction NMES group (n=25)
Control group (n=27)
18 years or older, with a spirometrically defined diagnosis of COPD consistent with GOLD criteria (forced expiratory volume in 1 s:forced vital capacity [FEV1:FVC] < 70%), severe respiratory impairment (FEV1% predicted ≤ 50), and incapacitating breathlessness
Kucio, 2016 RCT NMES + PR (comprised breathing exercises, treadmill walking and resistance exercise) PR for 3 weeks without stimulation NMES + PR (n=15);
PR (n=15)
Hospitalized participants: 11 men, mean FEV1 = 1.66 (SD: 0.69) L, mean age = 68 (SD: 6) yr
Tasdemir, 2015 Double-blind randomized, randomized trial NMES + cPR (program for 2 days per week over 10 weeks) cPR: mainly exercise training. Sham NMES using a similar protocol, and the intensity was sufficient to cause a visible twitch muscular contraction NMES + cPR (n=13);
cPR (n=14)
Medically stable COPD (median FEV1% predicted = 29 (range: 16–71) %, mean age = 62 (SD: 8) yr)
Vieira, 2014 Double-blind randomized, randomized trial NMES + respiratory physical therapy (i.e., airway clearance) Respiratory physical therapy + sham NMES (same instruction and electrode position, but no stimulation) NMES (n=11); control (n=9) Medically stable COPD (mean FEV1% predicted = 36 (SD: 10) %, mean age = 56 (SD: 11) yr)
Sille, 2014 Prospective, single-blind, RCT HF-NMES Strength training (bilateral leg extension and bilateral leg press exercises) HF-NMES (n=41);
control (n=40)
Not provided
Vivodtzev, 2012 Double-blind RCT NMES group (bilateral electrical stimulation of the quadriceps (35 min) followed by bilateral stimulation of the calf muscles) Sham training: the same fashion (5 Hz of frequency in the continuous mode with a 100-μs pulse duration) NMES (n=12);
Control (n=8)
Medically stable COPD (mean FEV1% predicted = 34 (SEM: 3) %, mean age = 70 (SEM: 1) yr)
Vivodtzev, 2006 Single-blind RCT NMES (bilateral electrical stimulation of both quadriceps) + rehabilitation 4 days per week for 4 weeks, which comprised active limb exercises Rehabilitation without any stimulation NMES + UR (n=9);
UR (n=8)
Medically stable COPD (mean FEV1 = 27 (SD: 3) % predicted, mean age = 59 (SD: 15) yr)
Neder, 2002 Double-blind RCT NMES (electrical stimulation of both quadriceps) Usual care, NMES after a control period of 6 week NMES (n=9); Control (n=6) Medically stable COPD (mean FEV1% predicted = 38 (SD: 10) %, mean age = 67 (SD: 8) yr)
Bourjeily-Habr, 2002 Double-blind double-blind controlled trial NMES (electrical stimulation of the hamstrings, quadriceps and calf muscles of both lower limbs) Sham stimulation same electrode, without any active electrical stimulation NMES (n=9);
Control (n=9)
Medically stable COPD (mean FEV1% predicted = 36 (SEM: 4) %, mean age = 58 (SEM: 2) yr)