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. 2020 Jan 2;34(6):1039–1046. doi: 10.1038/s41433-019-0750-2

Table 1.

Cosmetic KTP.

No. Authors Number of eyes Method of KTP Type of pigment material Outcomes and follow-up time
1 Alio et al. [36] 234 eyes SAK, FAK, MIK First GP, second GP and third generation CE mark pigments 12.82% of patients complained of surgical complication (45% organic and 55% functional complications) within 4 months to 13 years FU
2 Ferrari and van Haselenase [52] 1 healthy subject Femtosecond-assisted annular KTP Pigment neoris®-Biotic No complications in 8 months FU
3 Alsmman et al. [53] 53 blind eyes with corneal disfiguring opacities Multiple trans-epithelial intrastromal injections Rotring painting ink No complications in 12 months FU
4 Al-Shymali et al. [39] 127 cosmetically disabled eyes out of entire 136 eyes SMK and SAK First GP, second GP and third generation CE mark pigments No complications reported up to 3 months, 12 eyes (11.2%) developed complications in more than 3 months FU
5 Jacob et al. [54] 3 eyes (SMILE)-assisted sutureless corneal resurfacing with interface tattooing Dye powder No complications in 12–25 months FU
6 Lin et al. [40] 40 eyes Anterior stromal puncture Chinese ink 3 of 31 patients had recurrent bullae formation and received conjunctival flaps or a TSCL to relieve symptoms in 26.4 months FU
7 Bandivadekar et al. [21] 3 eyes Bare corneal bed tattooing along with simple shave excision 2% Gold chloride, reduced by 1% hydrazine hydrate No complications in 12 months FU
8 Alio et al. [41] 7 patients for purely cosmetic reasons SAK, MIK, FAK Micronized mineral pigments No complications in 6–30 months FU
9 Liu et al. [55] 32 eyes LK combined with KTP(22 patients) single-personalised KTP (10 patients) India ink No complications in 36 months FU
10 Park et al. [42] 33 eyes with total corneal opacity Multiple non-continuous trans-epithelial puncture technique (pointage technique) Black carbon particle suspension dye 9% developed delayed corneal epithelial healing in 12 months FU
11 Hos et al. [25] 6 eyes Large lamellar limbus-to-limbus flap-based corneal tattooing and small central flap-based corneal tattooing Liquid tattooing dyes No complications in 1 year FU
12 Irfan et al. [9] 44 blind eye Deeply stromal staining by a black precipitate agent 2% Gold chloride, reduced by 2% hydrazine hydrate Minimal pigment loss was observed in 5 cases after 3 months and they underwent repeat procedure after 1 year FU
13 Cha et al. [56] 9 eyes with limbal dermoids Inserting dye into the anterior stromal space by creating a long puncture canal Tissue-marking dye No complications noted during 3 years FU
14 Jeong et al. [24] 6 eyes with total leukoma Anterior stromal space filling, created by air bubble infiltration Tissue-marking dye No complications during surgery and in 14 months FU
15 Kim et al. [34] 147 blind eyes Anterior stroma needle puncturing Tissue-marking dye Re-opacification or increased opacity (n = 7), fading of colour (n = 5), epithelial growth (n = 5) in 5 years FU
16 Alio et al. [35] 37 out of total 40 eyes with disfiguring corneal opacities or severe leukoma ICS (28 patients), SCS (8 patients), combined ICS and SCS (4 patients) in total patients Mineral micronized pigments No complications noted in 12 months FU
17 Chang et al. [57] 401 patients with corneal opacities Repetitive anterior stromal injection Tissue-marking dye No complication noted except two patients had a residual corneal opacity in 15.7 months FU
18 Fogla et al. [58] 1 patient with poor cosmetic appearance Inside the stromal bed over the area of corneal opacity and beneath the flap, overlying the stromal opacity with the help of an iris spatula Dye powder (organic dye) No complications during 9 months FU
19 Kim et al. [23] 6 eyes with total or partial corneal opacity Femtosecond laser for dissection and flap creation Tissue-marking dye No complications except an incomplete lamellar cut within 6–16 months of FU
20 Kymionis et al. [26] 1 subject with leukocoria FALT Commercially available black tattoo pigment No complications during 6 months FU
21 Lee et al. [59] 3 cases with corneal opacities Ink injection beneath the amniotic membrane transplantation India Ink Reagent Dropper No complications in 15–20 months FU
22 Pitz et al. [3] 11 patients who were not consent for enucleation Anterior stromal needle puncturing Commercially available drawing ink All patients complained about a surgically induced moderate foreign body sensation, conjunctival redness and corneal epithelial defect in 4 years of FU

SAK superficial automated keratopigmentation, FAK femtosecond-assisted keratopigmentation, MIK manual intralamellar keratopigmentation, GP generations of pigments, SMK superficial manual keratopigmentation, SMILE small-incision lenticule extraction, TSCL therapeutic soft contact lens, LK lamellar keratoplasty, ICS intralamellar corneal staining, SCS superficial corneal staining, FALT femtosecond-assisted anterior lamellar corneal tattoo, FU follow-up