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. 2020 May 28;369:m1590. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m1590

Table 2.

List of studies providing incidence rates in children, adults, and all ages

Study, country, study period Diagnostic method Age of population No with psoriasis Incidence rate per 100 000 person years (95% CI)
Entire group Female population Male population
Cantarutti et al (2015), Italy
 2006-12 Family paediatrician ≤14
 2006 61.0 (50.0 to 80.0)*
 2007 45.0 (30.0 to 60.0)*
 2008 54.0 (40.0 to 70.0)*
 2009 53.0 (40.0 to 70.0)*
 2010 53.0 (40.0 to 70.0)*
 2011 40.0 (30.0 to 50.0)*
 2012 57.0 (40.0 to 80.0)*
Tollefson et al (2010), US
 1970-99 Dermatologist or physician <18 357 40.8 (36.6 to 45.1)*† 43.9 (37.6 to 50.2)*† 37.9 (32.2 to 43.6)*†
 1970-74 29.6 (20.9 to 38.3)*†
 1975-79 35.7 (25.9 to 45.5)*†
 1980-84 31.4 (22.0 to 40.8)*†
 1985-89 42.7 (31.8 to 53.7)*†
 1990-94 40.0 (29.7 to 50.3)*†
 1995-99 62.7 (50.4 to 65.0)*†
Eder et al (2017), Canada
 2000-15 Physician ≥20
 2000 114.0 (112.0 to 116.0)*†
 2001 111.0 (109.0 to 113.0)*†
 2002 103.0 (101.0 to 105.0)*†
 2003 101.0 (99.0 to 103.0)*†
 2004 101.0 (99.0 to 103.0)*†
 2005 97.0 (95.0 to 99.0)*†
 2006 97.0 (95.0 to 99.0)*†
 2007 96.0 (94.0 to 98.0)*†
 2008 96.0 (94.0 to 98.0)*†
 2009 95.0 (93.0 to 97.0)*†
 2010 95.0 (93.0 to 97.0)*†
 2011 98.0 (96.0 to 100.0)*†
 2012 100.0 (98.0 to 102.0)*†
 2013 105.0 (103.0 to 107.0)*†
 2014 102.0 (100.0 to 104.0)*†
 2015 105.0 (103.0 to 107.0)*†
Eder et al (2019), Canada
 2000-15 Physician ≥20
 2000 9873 111.1 (108.9 to 113.4)*†
 2001 9849 108.6 (106.5 to 110.8)*†
 2002 9203 99.7 (97.6 to 101.8)*†
 2003 9111 97.3 (95.3 to 99.3)*†
 2004 9060 95.3 (93.3 to 97.3)*†
 2005 8645 89.8 (87.9 to 91.8)*†
 2006 8979 92.7 (90.7 to 94.7)*†
 2007 8601 87.6 (85.7 to 89.6)*†
 2008 8585 85.9 (84.0 to 87.8)*†
 2009 8610 85.2 (83.4 to 87.1)*†
 2010 8399 81.8 (80.0 to 83.7)*†
 2011 8868 85.0 (83.2 to 86.9)*†
 2012 8883 83.9 (82.1 to 85.7)*†
 2013 8789 82.1 (80.3 to 83.9)*†
 2014 8212 76.1 (74.4 to 77.9)*†
 2015 7541 68.7 (67.1 to 70.3)*†
Vena et al (2010), Italy
 2001-05 Physician ≥18 5792
 2001 321.0* 291.0* 357.0*
 2005 230.0* 207.0* 254.0*
Pezzolo et al (2019), Italy
 2003-04 Self-reported diagnosis ≥25 302 (232 to 392)* 380 (270 to 535)* 296 (197 to 443)*
Wei et al (2018), Taiwan
 2001 ≥16 333 42.0 (37.5 to 46.5)*†
 2002 320 40.1 (35.7 to 44.5)*†
 2003 329 41.7 (37.2 to 46.3)*†
 2004 370 46.9 (42.1 to 51.8)*†
 2005 272 33.8 (29.7 to 37.8)*†
 2006 325 39.7 (35.3 to 44.1)*†
 2007 295 35.7 (31.5 to 39.8)*†
 2008 291 34.1 (30.1 to 38.2)*†
 2009 322 37.8 (33.5 to 42.0)*†
 2010 316 36.7 (32.5 to 40.9)*†
 2011 338 40.3 (35.8 to 44.8)*†
 2012 327 37.2 (33.0 to 41.5)*†
 2013 273 30.3 (26.6 to 34.1)*†
Khalid et al (2013), UK
 2007-09 Physician ≥18 10 832 280.0 (280.0 to 290.0)*†
Tillett et al (2017), UK
 1998-2014 Physician ≥18 88 858 183.0 (182.0 to 184.0)* 186.0 (184.0 to 188.0)* 179.0 (178.0 to 181.0)*
Shbeeb et al (1995), US
 1982-91 78.0 (70.0 to 86.0)*†
Icen et al (2009), US
 1970-2000 Dermatologist or physician ≥18 1633 78.9 (75.0 to 82.9)*†‡ 73.2 (68.0 to 78.4)*†‡ 85.5 (79.5 to 91.6)*†‡
 1970-74 50.8 (41.9 to 59.6)*†‡
 1975-79 53.2 (44.8 to 61.6)*†‡
 1980-84 80.9 (70.8 to 91.1)*†‡
 1985-89 78.9 (69.5 to 88.4)*†‡
 1990-94 88.7 (79.1 to 98.3)*†‡
 1995-99 100.5 (90.8 to 110.2)*†‡
All ages
Egeberg et al (2017), Denmark
 2003-12 Physician 0-70+
 2003 140.1 (137.1 to 143.2)* 146.8* 133.4*
 2004 122.2 (119.4 to 125.1)* 130.7* 113.6*
 2005 104.0 (101.4 to 106.7)* 107.5* 100.5*
 2006 105.5 (102.9 to 108.2)* 110.4* 100.4*
 2007 111.5 (108.7 to 114.2)* 110.8* 112.2*
 2008 128.6 (125.7 to 131.6)* 128.8* 128.4*
 2009 174.8 (171.4 to 178.3)* 192.6* 156.8*
 2010 181.0 (177.5 to 184.5)* 199.5* 162.3*
 2011 171.3 (167.9 to 174.7)* 187.9* 154.5*
 2012 151.2 (148.0 to 154.5)* 165.9* 136.4*
Jacob et al (2016), Germany
 2007-10 Physician 14 686 521.1*
Sewerin et al (2019), Germany
 2009 46.3 to 58.2* 35.4 to 50.3*
 2010 35.3 to 45.6* 26.4 to 39.4*
 2011 21.7 to 30.5* 17.3 to 29.3*
 2012 19.1 to 26.4* 17.1 to 26.3*
Shalom et al (2018), Israel
 2016 246 (241 to 251)*†
 2017 243 (239 to 248)*†
Schonmann et al (2019), Israel
 2011 Dermatologist 0-85+ 9770 282 (276 to 288)*† 268 (261 to 276)*† 296 (287 to 305)*†
 2012 9796 278 (272 to 284)*† 273 (265 to 281)*† 283 (275 to 292)*†
 2013 10 430 291 (285 to 297)*† 278 (270 to 286)*† 304 (295 to 312)*†
 2014 10 072 276 (271 to 282)*† 263 (256 to 271)*† 290 (281 to 298)*†
 2015 10 033 273 (267 to 279)*† 257 (250 to 265)*† 289 (280 to 297)*†
 2016 10 505 281 (276 to 287)*† 269 (261 to 276)*† 294 (286 to 302)*†
 2017 10 489 276 (270 to 281)*† 263 (256 to 271)*† 288 (280 to 296)*†
Znamenskaya et al (2012), Russia
 2009 Physician 0-18+ 99 988 70.5*
 2010 99 348 69.8*
 2011 99 436 69.6*
Kubanova et al (2017), Russia
 2010 Physician 0-18+ 69.8*
 2011 69.6*
 2012 68.4*
 2013 65.9*
 2014 64.7*
 2015 62.8*
 2016 65.0*
Odinets et al (2017), Russia
 2010 Physician 0-18+ 1180 42.5*
 2011 1136 40.8*
 2012 1257 45.1*
 2013 875 31.4*
 2014 945 33.8*
 2015 941 33.6*
 2016 1094 39.0*
Donker et al (1998), Netherlands
 1987-88 Physician 0-65+ 106 130.0 (120.0 to 140.0)*†
Donker et al (1998), Netherlands
 1995 Physician 0-65+ 24 120.0 (70.0 to 190.0)*†
Huerta et al (2007), UK
 1996-97 Physician 0-80+ 3994 140.0*
Springate et al (2017), UK
 1999-2013 Physician 0-100
 1999 4279 159.0 (155.0 to 164.0)*† 161.0 (155.0 to 168.0)*† 158.0 (151.0 to 165.0)*†
 2000 5398 163.0 (158.0 to 167.0)*† 162.0 (156.0 to 169.0)*† 163.0 (157.0 to 170.0)*†
 2001 6286 164.0 (160.0 to 168.0)*† 163.0 (157.0 to 168.0)*† 166.0 (160.0 to 172.0)*†
 2002 7259 170.0 (166.0 to 174.0)*† 174.0 (169.0 to 180.0)*† 166.0 (161.0 to 172.0)*†
 2003 7977 172.0 (168.0 to 176.0)*† 178.0 (173.0 to 183.0)*† 166.0 (161.0 to 172.0)*†
 2004 8209 166.0 (163.0 to 170.0)*† 170.0 (165.0 to 175.0)*† 163.0 (158.0 to 168.0)*†
 2005 8522 165.0 (162.0 to 169.0)*† 173.0 (168.0 to 178.0)*† 158.0 (153.0 to 163.0)*†
 2006 8499 161.0 (158.0 to 165.0)*† 169.0 (164.0 to 174.0)*† 154.0 (149.0 to 159.0)*†
 2007 8807 165.0 (162.0 to 168.0)*† 170.0 (165.0 to 175.0)*† 160.0 (155.0 to 165.0)*†
 2008 8964 163.0 (160.0 to 167.0)*† 165.0 (160.0 to 170.0)*† 162.0 (157.0 to 167.0)*†
 2009 8518 155.0 (152.0 to 158.0)*† 159.0 (154.0 to 163.0)*† 152.0 (147.0 to 156.0)*†
 2010 7715 143.0 (140.0 to 146.0)*† 145.0 (141.0 to 150.0)*† 140.0 (136.0 to 145.0)*†
 2011 7499 140.0 (137.0 to 143.0)*† 144.0 (140.0 to 149.0)*† 135.0 (131.0 to 140.0)*†
 2012 6992 131.0 (128.0 to 134.0)*† 136.0 (132.0 to 141.0)*† 126.0 (122.0 to 130.0)*†
 2013 6350 129.0 (126.0 to 133.0)*† 131.0 (127.0 to 136.0)*† 127.0 (123.0 to 132.0)*†
Bell et al (1991), US
 1980-83 Dermatologist or physician 0-70+ 132 59.9 (49.5 to 70.3)*† 63.6 (48.9 to 78.3)*† 58.4 (42.8 to 74.1)*†

Values reported from the study.

Age or sex adjusted.

Rate adjusted with linear interpolation between census years.