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. 2020 May 27;14:32. doi: 10.1186/s13031-020-00271-3

Table 5.

Facilitators, barriers and recommendation affecting health system in conflict areas of Pakistan

Facilitators Barriers Recommendations
Health Workforce - Hiring of qualified local people along with incentives for retention - Lack of female health workers - Hire more female staff and reduce gender imbalance
- Absenteeism and lack of capacity of healthcare staff
- Workers hired from outside face language and cultural issues - Send female staff on rotation basis to conflict areas
- Political influence and favoritism - Hire local people and provide adequate training
- Security threats - Provide housing and basic necessities
- Low salaries - Merit based hiring
- Absence of accommodation and basic facilities for doctors - Doctors or staff to provide replacements when going on leave
- Quacks are preferred by people over doctors
Service Delivery - Secondary facilities relatively well maintained - Non-functional healthcare facilities - SOPs should be implemented
- Establishment of various new primary and secondary healthcare facilities - Poor infrastructure - Work on infrastructure for the uptake of health care intervention
- Political influence
- Ambulatory service with staff care - Quality of care compromised - Stringent monitoring mechanisms using technology
- Midwives and lady health workers visit homes - Unavailability of transport for staff
- Service of institutional deliveries in presence of skilled birth attendant - Changing demographic pattern - Improve community awareness and mobilization activities
- No arrangements for transport of complicated cases
- Social mobilization activities - Improving LHWs functionality
Supplies and Commodities - Different donors provide different supplies and services - Curfews during the conflict blocked supplies to the facilities - Procurement decisions at the district level
- Procurement systems to simplified and made efficient
- Enough supplies were provided - Insufficient supply for commonly used drugs
- Delay in supplies from government - Strict monitoring
- Supplements sold in open market
- Allocation of budget for medicines not revised according to present needs
- Absence of diagnostic facilities
Monitoring and Reporting - Before and after surveys sometimes conducted - Poor quality of data - Promote E-Health
- Internal monitoring was done - No record of training or equipment distribution - Improve quality of data
- Third party monitoring on monthly basis for Polio - Preference of manual work over computer use - Do situational analysis before implementation
- DHIS system for reporting - Data not used for decision making - Data to be used for decision
Finances - Funding is done by donors and the government - Delay in release of funds from the donors - To ensure sustainability of funding for existing programs
Cluster meetings - Seminars held for coordination - Not regularly held for most programs - Regular cluster meetings for all issues
- Regular meetings held for Polio at district and provincial level - Improve communication between center and district
Natural Disaster - Disaster management authority present at provincial level - Improve the functionality
- Nutrition plan for emergency situations present
Epidemics - Disease Surveillance and Response Unit in FATA - Proper forecasting and pre-emptive measures

LHW, Lady Health Workers, SOPs Standard Operating Procedure, MnE Monitoring and Evaluation, DHIS District Health Information System