Table 1.
Programme | EB | HCW involved | Preferences | Content | Main focus |
In Balans (in balance) | Yes | Physiotherapist | 1 = Location, 2 = Group, 3 = Pay, 4 = Fixed, 5 = Low, 6 = Social, 7 = Together | Exercise training and information sessions | Increase risk awareness and improve balance, mobility, physical fitness and self-confidence |
Vallen verleden tijd (falls in the past) | Yes | Physiotherapist | 1 = Location, 2 = Group, 3 = Pay, 4 = Fixed, 5 = High, 6 = Social, 7 = Together | Obstacle course, sports and games and fall techniques | Improve mobility and reduce fear of falling |
Otago | Yes | Physiotherapist | 1 = Home & Location, 2 = Individually, 3 = Free, 4 = Own, 5 = Low, 6 = Sportive, 7 = Together | Leg and balance exercises and a walking program | Improve muscle strength and balance |
Zicht op evenwicht (a matter of balance) | Yes | Physiotherapist | 1 = Home & Location, 2 = Individually, 3 = Free, 4 = Own, 5 = Low, 6 = Sportive, 7 = Together | Information and behavior change by cognitive behavioral principles together with exercises | Reduce fear of falling |
Senior step | No | Alone | 1 = Home, 2 = Individually, 3 = Free, 4 = Own, 5 = Low, 6 = Sportive, 7 = Separate | Instruction book with exercises | Improve balance, mobility and strength |
Samen door (go together) | No | Volunteer | 1 = Home, 2 = Individually, 3 = Free, 4 = Own, 5 = Low, 6 = Sportive, 7 = Together | Easy to perform exercises addressed to the needs of the participant | To be more independent |
Valanalyse (fall analyses) | No | Occupational therapist | 1 = Home, 2 = Individually, 3 = Free, 4 = Own, 5 = Low, 6 = Sportive, 7 = Together | Risk assessment and a tailored advice. Besides exercise training, risk factors like medication are taken into account. | Reduce the risk of falling |
Senior fitness | No | Physiotherapist | 1 = Location, 2 = Group, 3 = Pay, 4 = Fixed, 5 = Low, 6 = Social, 7 = Together | Exercise training | Improve balance and mobility |
Individual physiotherapy | No | Physiotherapist | 1 = Home & Location, 2 = Individually, 3 = Free, 4 = Own, 5 = Low, 6 = Sportive, 7 = Together | Exercise training | Improve balance and mobility |
Note: EB Evidenced based, HCW Healthcare worker. Preferences presented are 1) At home or at location, 2) In a group or individually, 3) Payment necessary or for free, 4) Fixed times or own time, 5) Low or high intensity (as indicated by the healthcare provider that offers the programme), 6) Sportive or social factors, 7) Genders separated or together