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. 2020 May 27;33(3):e00032-19. doi: 10.1128/CMR.00032-19


Incidence of TSS as reported by selected U.S. studies

Method Location of population Sex Age range (yr) Yr(s) of study No. of TSS cases/106 people Reference(s) or source
DRG-ICD chart review National Both All 2003–2012 0.67 250
Colorado 10–39 1993–2006 1.18 114
Minneapolis-St. Paul All 2000–2003 0.69 113
34 states All 1999–2003 0.9 260
National Multiple 1996–2001 Not reported, but TSS peaked for girls aged 15–18 yr 251
Northern California 10–39 1981–1996 0.8–3.4 252
42 States Both All 1981–1982 0.68–0.81 109
Northern California 15–34 1977–1987 1.5–2.4 253, 254
2 Colorado counties 1–45 1986–1996 0–8.0 255
2 Colorado counties Both <1–30 1970–1982 0.8–9.1 256
Chart review Cincinnati Both 10–30 1970–1980 0–22.9 257
Iowa 18–31 1976–1980 25 cases 258
Active surveillance 5 states and Los Angeles County 15–44 1986 1.05 110
Minnesota 12–49 1980–1981 2.3–13.7 103
Utah 12–49 1976–1980 14.4 100
Utah 12–49 1980–1981 4.8–12.3 101
Wisconsin 12–49 1979–1980 6.2 2
Passive surveillance Utah Both 12–49 1976–1983 1.7–12.3 259
Iowa 1979–1980 25 cases 258