Figure 6.
Neoantigen load and race in stratified age groups and breast cancer subtypes. (a) Neoantigen load of patients in pre-menopausal stage (ages 26–44) in Asian (red), Black (green) and White (blue) races separated by Basal, Her2, LumA and LumB subtypes. There is no significant difference among races in any breast cancer subtype. (b) Neoantigen load of patients in peri-menopausal stage (ages 45–54) in Asian (red), Black (green) and White (blue) races separated by Basal, Her2, LumA and LumB subtypes. White had significantly higher neoantigen load compared to Asian in Her2 subtype (p = .0033); both black and white patients had higher neoantigen loads in LumB subtype compared to Asian (p = .037 and p = .04, respectively). (c) Neoantigen load of patients in post-menopausal stage (ages 55–90) in Asian (red), Black (green) and White (blue) races separated by Basal, Her2, LumA and LumB subtypes. White patients had significantly higher neoantigen load than Asian in Basal (p = .0057) and LumB subtypes (p = .0052); both black and white patients had higher neoantigen loads compared to Asian in LumA subtype (p = .037 and p = .0097, respectively).