Epigenetic markers and their functions in the regulation of NMDA receptors. Epigenetic markers that could potentially regulate the genes associated with NMDA receptor subunits, e.g., the GRIN2B gene locus (Bharadwaj et al., 2014). Multiple intronic and intergenic DNA sequences, up to 450kb downstream from the GRIN2B/Grin2b transcription start site (TSS), compete for access to the TSS. These sequences are loaded with multiple transcription factors and are in physical proximity to the GRIN2B/Grin2b transcription start site. It was proposed that transcriptional regulation at the GRIN2B/Grin2b locus involves a dynamic and competitive interplay of multiple effectors, each of which could engage with the GRIN2B promoter [Modified from Bharadwaj et al, 2014, Neuron (Bharadwaj et al., 2014). Copyright requested through the Copyright Clearance Center’s RightsLink® service](Rajarajan et al., 2018).