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. 2020 Jun;26(6):1164–1173. doi: 10.3201/eid2606.191121

Table. Newly obtained and publicly available genomes of 155 Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi B variant Java sequence type 28.

Source Total No. per source* Years isolated
Saudi Arabia† 2 2 human 1987–1992
1 poultry‡
Belgium§ 5 5 unknown 2014
Denmark§ 9 8 poultry, 1 unknown 2009–2015
Germany§ 5 3 poultry, 1 human, 1 unknown 2001–2013
Ireland§ 2 2 human 2015–2016
Nigeria§¶ 1 1 poultry 2009
The Netherlands† 19 18 poultry, 1 fish 2000–2016
United Kingdom§
18 unknown, 5 human, 1 bovine
Latin America
Colombia†# 67 67 poultry 2008–2013
Costa Rica† 16 15 poultry, 1 swine 2009–2014
Guatemala† 4 4 poultry 2012

*Source-metadata of publicly available genomes was obtained from EnteroBase (
†Newly obtained.
‡Sample from a turkey imported from Israel.
§Publicly available.
¶Phylogenetically related to the European clade.
#19 genomes from previous reports in Colombia were publicly available in EnteroBase (31).