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. 2020 Jun;26(6):1140–1146. doi: 10.3201/eid2606.181969

Table 3. Patients without history of neurosurgery who had no periodic sharp-wave complexes during duration of CJD and hyperintensity lesions in thalamus diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the brain*.

Patient no. Age at CJD onset, y/sex Codon 129 of PRNP Hyperintensity lesions on DW-MRI Pathology findings
1 58/F MM CC, BG, Th MM2+1
2 65/M MM CC, Th MM2+1
3 61/F MM CC, BG, Th ND
4 58/M MV BG, Th MV2
5 73/F MV CC, Th MV2
6 65/F MV CC, BG, Th ND
7 65/F MV CC, Th ND
8 75/F VV BG, Th VV2
9 69/M VV BG, Th VV2
CC, BG, Th
*BG, basal ganglia; CC, cerebral cortex; CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; DW-MRI, diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging; MM, methionine homozygous; MM2+1, pathological features of MM2 and MM1 types of sporadic CJD; MV, methionine-valine; Th, thalamus; VV, valine homozygous.