Table 7.1.
Select agents and toxins of concern as potential biothreats.
Agent |
Disease |
Current Tier 1 agentsa | |
ABacillus anthracis and B. cereus biovar anthracis | Anthrax |
AYersinia pestis | Plague |
AFrancisella tularensis | Tularemia |
BBurkholderia mallei | Glanders |
BBurkholderia pseudomallei | Melioidosis |
AClostridium botulinum toxin, and Clostridium spp. producing the toxin | Botulism |
AEbola virus | Ebola virus hemorrhagic fever |
AMarburg virus | Marburg virus hemorrhagic fever |
AVariola major and Variola minor | Smallpox |
Other agents of concernb | |
BBrucella spp. | Brucellosis |
BCoxiella burnetii | Q fever |
BRickettsia prowazekii | Typhus fever |
CSARS- and MERS-associated coronaviruses | Severe acute respiratory distress |
CNipah and Hendra viruses | Viral encephalitis and respiratory disease |
ARift Valley fever virus | Rift Valley fever |
BVenezuelan equine encephalitis virus | Encephalitis and fever |
ALassa virus | Lassa fever |
ASouth American hemorrhagic fever arenaviruses (Junin, Machupo, Guanarito, Sabia, and Chapare) | Hemorrhagic fever |
ACrimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever virus | Hemorrhagic fever |
A, B, C Denote additional categorization into Category A, B, and C pathogens, per NIAID [5].
Tier 1 agents of human pathogenicity are presented [4]. Two more Tier 1 agents are rinderpest virus and foot-and-mouth disease virus, which are of agricultural concern (not covered in this chapter).
Important non-Tier 1 agents for which countermeasures are described in this chapter [4], [5]. See for a comprehensive list of non-Tier 1 Select Agents and Toxins.SARS, Severe acute respiratory syndrome; MERS, Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus.