Core area |
An aspect of health or a health condition that needs to be measured to appropriately assess the effects of a health intervention. Core Areas are broad concepts consisting of a number of more specific concepts called domains. |
Pathophysiological manifestations, life impact, resource use/economic impact |
Outcome domain |
An aspect of the effect of illness, categorized within the core area, but still relatively broad. |
Diarrhea, gastrointestinal symptoms, absenteeism, need for additional medical procedures. |
Outcome |
Any identified result in a domain arising from exposure to a causal factor or a health intervention. |
Diarrhea incidence, number of school absence days, need for intravenous rehydration. |
Outcome measurement instrument |
A tool chosen to assess the outcome. |
Visual stool form scale, symptom questionnaire, immunoassay tests for rotavirus detection. |