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. 2020 May 29;15(5):e0233342. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233342

Table 1. Comparison of the number and percentage of correct answers, given by the surveyed physicians taking part in the study.

No. Questions 2016 n = 82 2019 n = 67 P-value
Correct answers
n % n %
1. PIDs occur only in children 28 34.1 49 73.1a <0.0001
2. Telangiectasia may be specific to:
a) hepatic insufficiency, 50 61.0 56 83.6* 0.0024
b) ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome (Louis-Bar syndrome) 44 53.7 55 82.1* 0.0003
3. The absence of thymus confirms Di George syndrome 41 50.0 39 58.2 0.3175
4. Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is most often diagnosed in children 15 18.3 16 23.9 0.4032
5. Oncological diseases can be a sign of PID 50 61.0 53 79.1* 0.0172
6. AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) appears in high concentrations in A-T syndrome 39 47.6 47 70.1* 0.0055
7. Four or more new ear infections within 1 year may be a warning sign of PID 67 81.7 58 86.6 0.4221
8. Failure of a child to gain weight normally may be a sign of PID 47 57.3 65 97.0* <0.0001
9. Repeated abscesses of skin and organs (without damage to the tissue integrity caused by trauma) may be a sign of PID 60 73.2 62 92.5* 0.0023
10. Numerous (6 and more) of ‘coffee-with-milk’ colored spots are specific to:
a) Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) 28 34.1 59 88.1* <0.0001
b) Louis-Bar syndrome 15 18.3 58 86.6* <0.0001
c) Bruton's agammaglobulinemia 52 63.4 53 79.1* 0.0368
11. Two or more cases of pneumonia in a year may be the only clinical manifestation of PID 38 46.3 43 64.2* 0.0297
12. Four or more episodes of infection (otitis, bronchitis, pneumonia) in an adult patient may be a sign of PID 56 68.3 56 83.6* 0.0316
13. In adults, two or more cases of pneumonia (radiographically confirmed) within three years may be a sign of PID 58 70.7 45 67.2 0.6391
14. Children diagnosed with microcephaly should undergo genetic testing 30 36.6 25 37.3 0.9260
15. Infections with atypical localization or caused by atypical pathogens may be a sign of PID 67 81.7 58 86.6 0.4221
16. Dysmorphic facial features are specific to:
а) common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) 64 78.0 55 82.1 0.5406
b) DiGeorge syndrome 31 37.8 57 85.1* <0.0001
c) Nijmegen breakage syndrome 27 32.9 61 91.0* <0.0001
17. The only method of treatment for PID with antibody deficiency is therapy with intravenous or subcutaneous immunoglobulin agents 82 100 66 98.5 0.2670
18. Normal levels of leukocytes (WBC), hemoglobin, platelets, HCT are sufficient to exclude neutropenia 66 80.5 52 77.6 0.6670
19. Live vaccines are contraindicated for patients with NBS 59 72.0 57 85.1 0.0550
20. Inflammation+ thrombocytopenia + eczema may be the signs of:
a) Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 55 67.1 61 91.0* 0.0005
b) atopic dermatitis 58 70.7 59 88.1* 0.0104
21. In cases of Nijmegen syndrome chest X-ray examination is allowed 9 11.0 37 55.2* <0.0001
22. Live vaccines can be administered to children with severe PID 82 100 64 95.5 0.0529
23. Vaccination against pneumococcus should be given to children with PID that have retained the ability to synthesize antibodies (within the risk group) 63 76.8 59 88.1 0,0767
24. All adults with primary and secondary asplenia should be vaccinated against pneumococcus and meningococcus 36 43.9 57 85.1* <0.0001
25. Autoimmune diseases are much more common in patients with PID 64 78.0 58 86.6 0.1793
Total 1481 58.3 1640 79.0* <0.0001

* the difference is statistically significant