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. 2020 May 29;13(5):882–890. doi: 10.1007/s12328-020-01142-3

Table 2.

Laboratory data on admission

< Peripheral blood > γ-GTP 208 U/L Haptoglobin < 10 mg/dL
WBC 4900 /μL ChE 102 U/L ANA  < 40 ×
Neutro 59.2 % T-chol 215 mg/dL AMA (M2) (−)
Eosi 0.2 % TG 83 mg/dL Intrinsic factor Ab (−)
Baso 0.2 % HDL-chol 39 mg/dL Gastric Parietal Cell Ab (−)
Lym 30.7 % LDL-chol 56 mg/dL < Tumor markers >
Mono 9.7 % UA 7.6 mg/dL AFP 5.9 ng/mL
RBC 41 × 104 /μL BUN 7.1 mg/dL PIVKA-II 6033 ng/mL
Hb 2.1 g/dL Cr 0.41 mg/dL < Viral markers >
Ht 6.2 % NH3 70 μg/dL IgM-HA Ab (−)
MCV 151.2 fl Na 131 mEq/L HBs-Ag (−)
MCH 51.2 pg K 2.8 mEq/L HBs-Ab (−)
MCHC 33.9 % Cl 92 mEq/L HBc-Hb (−)
Plt 10.7 × 104 /μL Fe 146 μg/dL HBV-DNA (PCR) (−)
Ret 5 % UIBC 12 μg/dL HCV-Ab (−)
< Coagulation > Ferritin 1020 ng/mL HCV-RNA (PCR) (−)
PT 30 % Vit. B12 1500 pg/mL IgA-HEV (−)
PT-INR 2.11 Folic acid 22 pg/mL IgM-CMV (−)
APTT 37 s Cu 90 μg/dL EBV VCA-IgM < 10  × 
FIB 123 mg/dL Zn 41 μg/dL EBV VCA-IgG 80  × 
FDP 37.1 μg/mL CRP 1.09 μg/dL EBNA < 10  × 
D-dimer 13 μg/mL HGF 0.75 ng/mL < Coombs test >
ATIII 47 % M2BPGi 12.16 COI Direct (−)
< Biochemistry > Hyaluronic acid 4050 ng/mL Indirect (−)
TP 5.9 g/dL Type IV collagen 19 ng/mL < Urinalysis >
Alb 3.0 g/dL BTR 3.75 Protein (+++)
T-Bill 12.7 mg/dL BNP 874.8 pg/mL Sugar (−)
D-Bill 5.4 mg/dL KL-6 279 U/mL Occult blood (+)
AST 58 U/L < Immunology > Urobilinogen (++)
ALT 18 U/L IgG 1569 mg/dL Bilirubin (+)
LDH 449 U/L IgA 254 mg/dL WBC (−)
ALP 175 U/L IgM 87 mg/dL

WBC white blood cell, Neutro neutrophil, Eosi eosinophil, Baso basophil, Lyn lymphocyte, Mono monocyte, Ret reticulocyte, RBC red blood cell, Ht hematocrit, MCV mean corpuscular volume, MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, Plt platelet, PT prothrombin time, INR international normalized ratio, APTT active partial thromboplastin time, FIB fibrinogen, FDP fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products, ATIII antithrombinIII, TP total protein, Alb albumin, T-Bill total bilirubin, D-bill direct bilirubin, AST aspartate aminotransferase, ALT alanine aminotransferase, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, ALP alkaline phosphatase, GTP glutamyl transferase, ChE cholinesterase, T-chol total cholesterol, TG triglyceride, HDL-chol high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-chol low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, UA uric acid, BUN blood urea nitrogen, Cr creatinine, NH3 ammonia, Na natrium, K kalium, Cl chloride, Fe ferrum, UIBC unsaturated iron-binding capacity, Vit vitamin, Cu copper, Zu zinc, CRP C-reactive protein, HGF hepatocyte growth factor, M2BPGi mac-2-binding protein glycan isomer, BTR ratio of branched-chain amino acid to tyrosine, BNP brain natriuretic peptide, KL-6 Krabs von den Lungen-6, ANA anti-nuclear antibody, AMA anti-mitochondrial antibody, AFP alfa-fetoprotein, PIVKA-II protein-induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist-II, HA Ab hepatitis A antibody, HBs-Ag hepatitis B surface antigen, HBs-Ab hepatitis B surface antibody, HBc-Ab hepatitis B core antibody, HBV-DNA hepatitis B virus deoxyribonucleic acid, PCR polymerase chain reaction, HCV-Ab hepatitis C virus antibody, HCV-RNA hepatitis C virus ribonucleic acid, HEV hepatitis E virus, CMV cytomegalovirus, EBV VCA-IgM Ab epstein–barr virus-viral capsid antigen immunoglobulin M antibody, EBV VCA-IgG Ab epstein–barr virus viral capsid antigen immunoglobulin G antibody, EBNA epstein–barr virus nuclear antigen