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. 2020 May 29;15(5):e0233893. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233893

Table 6. Correlation of capillary and venous PQ plasma concentrations.

  Total (n = 205) 24 hr post last dose (n = 150) ≥ 7 days post dose (n = 55)
Cven, ng/mL 50.4 (0.504, 251) 70.8 (9.67, 251) 3.41 (0.504, 20.4)
Ccap, ng/mL 56.3 (0.584, 292) 73.5 (16.7, 292) 2.84 (0.584, 22.6)
P value <0.0001 <0.0001 0.38
Correlation equition: Ccap = a × Cven + b
a 1.04 (0.978, 1.11) 0.984 (0.886, 1.08) 0.965 (0.828, 1.10)
b 4.20 (-0.878, 9.27) 10.6 (1.68, 19.5) -0.182 (-1.02, 0.661)
R2 0.832 0.729 0.789

Concentrations represent medians (range) and correlation parameters represent means (95%CI).