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. 2020 May 27;5(5):e002396. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002396

Table 1.

Studies assessing correlation between CRP levels and bacterial infection and diagnostic performance of CRP in LMICs

Study Country Age group Inpatients/Outpatients Disease characteristics Number of patients Gold standard for bacterial infection CRP test Diagnostic performance Correlation with bacterial infection
AUROC (95% CI) Cut-off* Sensitivity† Specificity†
Studies in Africa
Carrol et al5 Malawi 2 months to 16 years Inpatients Pneumonia or meningitis 377 Culture, microscopy, antigen or PCR from blood, cerebrospinal fluid and/or lung aspirate Beckman Coulter image immunochemistry system 0.81 (0.73 to 0.89) for serious bacterial N/A N/A N/A Median CRP values were significantly higher in HIV-negative and HIV-positive patients with serious bacterial infections compared with those without (253 vs 127 mg/L, p=0.0005 and 291 vs 135 mg/L, p=0.0005, respectively).
Díez-Padrisa et al6 Mozambique <5 years Inpatients Clinical severe pneumonia (no malaria) 586 Blood culture Immunoturbidimetric assay, ADVIA Chemisty CRP 2 (Siemens) 0.79 20.9 95 45 CRP levels were higher in those with positive bacterial culture vs those with negative bacterial culture (177.65 mg⁄L vs 26.5 mg⁄L, p<0.001). Median CRP levels (>18.5 to ≤97.9) were predictive of bacterial culture positivity (OR 15.31, 95% CI 1.91 to 122.45, p=0.01).
38 85 57
Hildenwall et al14 Tanzania 3 months to 5 years Outpatients Fever (malaria negative) 428 Positive urine or blood culture or symptoms suggestive pneumonia as defined in the IMCI Afinion AS100 Analyzer (Axis-Shield) 0.62 19 44.6
(33.2 to 56.6)
(73.0 to 83.1)
Of those with CRP <20 mg/L (n=256, 59.8%), 84% had no signs of bacterial infection. Of those with CRP >80 mg/L (n=33, 7.7%), 36.7% were positive for bacterial infection.
Huang et al8 Gambia and Kenya 2 months to 5 years Inpatients Pneumonia Pneumonia: n=204 Matched controls: n=186 Blood culture or radiograph ELISA (R&D Systems) 0.72
(0.59 to 0.86)
150, ≥200 70.5 56.1 Median CRP plasma concentration was significantly higher in those with probable bacterial infection (positive blood culture or radiograph) vs those with probable viral infection (negative radiograph and low WBC) (283 vs 175 µg/mL, p<0.001).
Mahende et al10 Tanzania 2 months to 5 years Outpatients Fever 691 Blood culture Cobas c111 (Roche Diagnostics) 0.83 37.3 74.2 77.8
Page et al12 Niger 6 months to 5 years Inpatients Severe acute malnutrition 256 Blood, urine, stool culture and radiograph NycoCard Reader (Abott) 0.66 (0.59 to 0.79) all patients, 0.72 (0.63 to 0.80) malaria-negative patients 47.5 46.5 80.4 Median CRP levels were significantly higher in those with pneumonia (radiograph positive) vs those with no proved bacterial infection (40.8 vs 12 mg/L, p=0.0014).
13 81.1 58.7
Studies in South-East Asia
Mueller et al11 Cambodia 7–49 years Outpatients Acute fever Febrile patients: 1193, Matched controls: 282 Microbiological results including culture, PCR, ELISA, RDTs Latex bead immune-turbidimetric method adapted on Integra 400 (Roche Diagnostics) NA 21.3 52.5 84.3
Wangrangsimakul et al13 Thailand ≥15 years Inpatients and outpatients Acute fever 231 Microbiological results including culture, PCR, ELISA, RDTs NycoCard Reader (Abott, USA) 0.91
(0.85 to 0.96)
36 88.9
(79.3 to 95.1)
(65.1 to 97.1)
Lubell et al9 Cambodia, Laos, Thailand 5–49 years Inpatients and outpatients Acute fever 1372 Microbiological results including culture, antigen detection, PCR and ELISA for JEV IgM ELISA NycoCard Reader (Abott, USA) 0.89 (0.8 to 0.97) 10 95
(92 to 97)
(46 to 53)
CRP levels were significantly lower in patients with a viral infection than other infections (p<0.0001 in all comparisons across countries).
20 86
(82 to 88)
(63 to 71)
Studies in multiple settings
Higdon et al7 Bangladesh, Gambia, Kenya, Mali, South Africa, Thailand and Zambia <5 years Inpatients Pneumonia Pneumonia: n=3597, controls: n=822 Blood culture or positive lung aspirate or pleural fluid culture or PCR‡ CRP Gen3 or CRP VARIO (Roche Diagnostics) 0.87 37.1 77
(69 to 84)
(78 to 85)
77% of HIV-negative cases with confirmed bacterial pneumonia vs 17% (n=556) cases with RSV pneumonia had CRP ≥40 mg/L (p<0.001).


†%; 95% CI.

‡Compared with ‘RSV pneumonia’—nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal or induced sputum PCR-positive without confirmed/suspected bacterial pneumonia.

AUROC, area under the receiver operator characteristic curve; CRP, C reactive protein; IMCI, integrated management of childhood illness; LMICs, low-income and middle-income countries; N/A, not available; RDT, rapid diagnostic test; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; WBC, white blood cell count.