Figure 6.
(a) The proportion (percentage ± se) of the different sensory neuron types identified in the LRSS. Bimodal (AT) types were significantly (asterisk, p<0.0001; ANOVA) more prevalent than their subthreshold multisensory (Sub) or unisensory (A= auditory; T=tactile) counterparts. (b) The distribution of sensory and multisensory response activity by cortical layer. Within each LRSS layer (L1-L6), average activity (spikes/trial ± se) are shown for unisensory (top panel), subthreshold multisensory (middle) and bimodal multisensory neurons in response to auditory (light gray bars), tactile (dark gray) and combined auditory-tactile (black) stimulation. Sensory responses of unisensory neurons were comparatively low, while bimodal neurons generally showed the highest response rate. In addition, bimodal neurons in layer 2 showed significantly (“*”, p<0.01; ANOVA) higher response rates than did their counterparts in other laminae.