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. 2020 May 30;95(8):1750–1765. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2020.05.011

Table 1.

Summary of Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes During the COVID-19 Pandemicab

Value (N=185)
Maternal data
Age (y), mean (range) 29.6 (20-41)
Trimester (No./total No. [%])
 First 3/185 (1.62)
 Second 5/185 (2.70)
 Third 177/185 (95.68)
Signs and symptoms (No./total No. [%])
 Fever 90/169 (53.25)
 Pneumonia 75/184 (40.76)
 Cough 56/169 (33.13)
 Asymptomatic 44/169 (26.03)
 Dyspnea/shortness of breath 22/169 (13.01)
 Gastrointestinal alterations 9/169 (5.32)
 ICU admission 6/185 (3.24)
Diagnostic method (No./total No. [%])
 qRT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 only 179/185 (96.75)
 CT changes only 6/185 (3.24)
 qRT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 and CT changes 100/185 (54.05)
Laboratory alterations
 Lymphopenia 32/93 (34.40)
 Neutrophilia 8/93 (8.60)
Interventions (No./total No. [%])
 Antibiotics 64/145 (44.13)
 Supportive measures 41/145 (28.27)
 Antiviral therapy 39/145 (26.90)
 Corticosteroids 12/145 (8.28)
Obstetric comorbidities (No./total No. [%])c
 Gestational hypertension 6/182 (3.29)
 Preeclampsia 4/182 (2.20)
 Gestational diabetes 11/182 (6.04)
 Prelabor rupture of membranes 13/184 (7.07)
 Fetal distress 23/184 (12.50)
Patient status (No./total No. [%])
 Delivered 152/185 (82.16)
 Still pregnant 33/185 (17.83)
Mode of delivery (No./total No. [%])
 Cesarean delivery 129/152 (84.86)
 Vaginal delivery 19/152 (12.50)
 Pregnancy termination 4/152 (2.63)
Gestational age at delivery of viable pregnancies (No./total No. [%])
 <28 wk 0/148 (0.00)
 28-31 6/7 wk 2/148 (1.35)
 32-35 6/7 wk 26/148 (17.56)
 ≥36 wk 96/148 (64.86)
 Missing data 24/148 (16.21)
Neonatal data
Neonates reported (No./total No. [%])
 Total 146 (100)
 Live births 145/146 (99.31)
 Stillbirths 1/146 (0.68)
Comorbidities after live birth (No./total No. [%])
 Neonatal ICU admission 27/145 (18.62)
 Low birth weight 15/145 (10.34)
 Pneumonia 9/145 (6.20)
 qRT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 positive 2/145 (1.37)
 Neonatal death 1/145 (0.69)

COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019; CT = computed tomography; ICU = intensive care unit; qRT-PCR = quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction; SARS-CoV-2 = severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.


Note that certain parameters were not evaluated or reported in all patients, so the denominators used for calculations represent only the numbers for which data are available.


Thirty-three of 185 patients (17.8%) were still pregnant at the end of this study; therefore, rates of complications occurring in late pregnancy or close to delivery, such as preeclampsia, might have been underestimated.