Colonization dynamics of WT C. jejuni and isogenic ΔbumS and ΔbumR mutants over time in the avian intestinal tract. Day of hatch chicks were orally infected with ∼100 colony-forming units (CFU) of WT C. jejuni (blue circles), isogenic ΔbumS (red triangles), and ΔbumR (gray diamonds) mutants. Chicks were killed at days 1, 4, 7, or 14 postinfection and the levels of each C. jejuni strain in A the proximal small intestine, (B) distal small intestines, (C) ceca, and (D) large intestines was determined (reported as CFU per gram of content). Each closed symbol represents the level of C. jejuni in a single chick. Open symbols represent chicks with C. jejuni levels below the limit of detection (<100 CFU per gram of content). Horizontal bars represent geometric mean for each group. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann–Whitney U test (*P < 0.05).