(A-B and D-E) Differentiating MC3T3 cells (3DIV) were infected with lentiviral particles containing shRNAs against the chromatin modifiers: (A) Wdr5, (B) Utx, (D) Ezh2 and (E) Prmt5. Knockdown efficiencies were confirmed by RT-qPCR and western blot (A-D, left panels) analyses, 48 h post-infection (5 DIV). TFIIB or RNAPII proteins were used to control for equal protein loading. (C) Effect of knocking down Wdr5 (left) and Utx (right) expression on Bglap gene transcription. mRNA expression values were normalized against Gapdh mRNA levels. Statistical analyses were assessed with respect to the mRNA levels obtained in cells infected with an empty vector (EV). *p<0.05, ***p<0.001, ns = non-statistically significant differences.