Figure 4.
Pause 1 and Pause 2 exit rates and probabilities of Φ6, PV and HRV-C RdRps demonstrate different activation by temperature. The data for each RdRp is represented in black, blue and pink, respectively. (A) Section (not shaded) of the dwell time distribution that contributes to the MLE fit (dark blue solid line) of Pause 1. (B) The pause 1 exit rates (circles) extracted from the MLE fits as a function of the temperature. The lines represent the fitted Arrhenius equation. For Φ6 RdRp, only the data at 25°C, 30°C and 35°C were considered for the fit. (C) Activation energy for Pause 1 exit rate. (D) The probabilities to be in Pause 1 state as a function of the temperature. (E) Section (not shaded) of the dwell time distribution that contributes to the MLE fit (light blue solid line) of Pause 2. (F) The Pause 2 exit rates (circles) extracted from MLE fits. The lines represent the fitted Arrhenius equation. Only the data at 25°C, 30°C and 35°C were considered for the fit. (G) Activation energy for Pause 2 exit rate. (H) The probabilities to be in Pause 2 state as a function of the temperature. Error bars in B, D F and H denote the standard deviation extracted from 100 bootstraps of the MLE procedure.