a PSS scores. Notes mean scores and standard deviations of perceived stress per time point for the intervention and control condition. PSS Perceived Stress Scale, Time point 0 = baseline, 1 = post-intervention, 2 = follow-up (dot and dashed line) control condition, (continuous line) intervention condition. b SRS-A informant scores. Notes mean scores and standard deviations of the impairments in social responsiveness rated by an informant per time point for the intervention and control condition. SRS-A Informant Social Responsiveness Scale, informant questionnaire, Time point 0 = baseline, 1 = post-intervention, 2 = follow-up (dot and dashed line) control condition, (continuous line) intervention condition. c SCL-90-R scores. Notes: Mean scores and standard deviations of psychological and physical symptoms per time point for the intervention and control condition. SCL-90-R=Symptom Checklist, Time point 0=Baseline, 1=Post-intervention, 2=Follow-up (dot and dashed line) control condition, (continuous line) intervention condition. d RSES scores. Notes: Mean scores and standard deviations of self-esteem per time point for the intervention and control condition. RSES Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Time point 0 = baseline, 1 = post-intervention, 2 = follow-up (dot and dashed line) control condition, (continuous line) intervention condition. e SRS-A participant scores. Notes: Mean scores and standard deviations of impairments in social responsiveness rated by the participant per time point for the intervention and control condition. SRS-A Participant Social Responsiveness Scale, participant questionnaire, time point 0 = baseline, 1 = post-intervention, 2 = follow-up (dot and dashed line) control condition, (continuous line) intervention condition