Appraisal of Diabetes Scale (ADS) [43] |
? |
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? |
0 |
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Asian Diabetes Quality of Life Questionnaire (Asian DQOL) English version [26] |
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? |
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Audit of diabetes-dependent quality of life (ADDQOL-19) [27] |
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Diabetes Care Profile (DCP) [44] |
? |
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0 |
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Diabetes diet-related quality of life revised (DDRQOL-R) [28] |
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Diabetes diet-related quality of life revised—short form (DDRQOL-R-9) [28] |
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− |
0 |
0 |
Diabetes Distress Scale (DDS) [45] |
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0 |
0 |
0 |
Diabetes health profile (DHP-1) [46] |
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0 |
0 |
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Diabetes health profile-18 (DHP-18) [47] |
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0 |
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+ |
Diabetes Impact Measurement Scale (DIMS) [48] |
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— |
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? |
0 |
0 |
DAWN2 Impact of Diabetes Profile (DIDP) [29] |
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0 |
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Diabetes Medication System Rating Questionnaire (DMRSQ) [49] |
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0 |
− |
Diabetes Obstacles Questionnaire (DOQ-30) [30] |
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Diabetes quality of life (DQOL) [31] |
+ |
? |
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? |
0 |
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Diabetes quality of life (DQOL) [32] |
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0 |
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Diabetes quality of life brief clinical inventory (DQOL-Brief) [33] |
+ |
? |
? |
0 |
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0 |
Diabetes Quality of Life Clinical Trials Questionnaire, Revised (DQLCTQ-R) [34] |
+ |
— |
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0 |
Diabetes-specific quality of life questionnaire module (DMQOL) [35] |
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Diabetes therapy-related quality of life (DTR-QOL) [36] |
? |
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Diabetes-39 (D-39) [37] |
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0 |
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Multidimensional Diabetes Questionnaire (MDQ) [38] |
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? |
0 |
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Perceptions about medications for diabetes (PAM-D) [50] |
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0 |
− |
Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale (PAID) [51] |
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? |
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Questionnaire on stress in patients with diabetes-revised (QSD-R) [52] |
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? |
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The 28-item well-being questionnaire (W-BQ28) [39] |
? |
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The Japanese insulin-dependent diabetic patient quality of life scale (JAPID-QOL) [40] |
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The patient-reported outcomes instrument for Thai patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (PRO-DM-Thai) [41] |
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The ViDa questionnaire for Type 1 diabetes (ViDa1) [42] |
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? |
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Treatment-Related Impact Measure Diabetes (TRIM-D) [53] |
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Treatment-Related Impact Measure—Nonsevere Hypoglycemic Events (TRIM-HYPO) [54] |
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