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. 2020 May 31;37(6):114. doi: 10.1007/s11095-020-02816-w

Table I.

Similarity Testing Plan and the Analytical Methods for the Structural and Functional Characterization of the Proposed Biosimilar ABP 710 and Infliximab Reference Products

Category Attributes and Analytical Techniques
General properties Protein content by gravimetric analysis
Reconstituted protein concentration by UV absorbance
Reconstitution time
Primary structure and post-translational modifications Intact molecular mass analysis
Reduced and deglycosylated molecular masses of HC and LC
Protein sequence by reduced peptide map
Reduced peptide map, post-translational modifications: levels of deamidation and oxidation
Disulfide structure by nonreduced peptide map
Glycan map by HILIC
Isoelectric point by capillary isoelectric focusing
Identity by anti-idiotype ELISA
Higher order structure Secondary structure by FTIR spectroscopy
Tertiary structure by NUV-CD spectroscopy
Conformation and thermal stability by DSC
Product-related substances and impurities Size variants by SE-UHPLC, rCE-SDS, and nrCE-SDS
Charge variants by CEX-HPLC and CEX-HPLC after carboxypeptidase B treatment
Particles and aggregates Subvisible particles by HIAC and MFI
Submicron particles by FFF and DLS
Solution state size distribution by SV-AUC
Molar mass of size variants by SE-HPLC-LS
Biological activity Inhibition of sTNFα-induced apoptosis in U937
Binding to sTNFα by ELISA
Binding to sTNFα by SPR
Binding kinetics to sTNFα by SPR
Inhibition of sTNFα-induced IL-8 release in HUVEC
Inhibition of sTNFα-induced cell death in L929
Binding to mbTNFα on CHO MT-3 cells by imaging cytometry
Reverse signaling in Jurkat mbTNFα line
Binding to LTα by SPR
Inhibition of LTα-induced IL-8 release in HUVEC
Binding to FcγRIIIa (158V) by SPR
Binding kinetics to FcγRIIIa (158V) by SPR
Binding to FcγRIIIa (158F) by SPR
Binding to primary NK cells by FACS
NK92 ADCC activity
PBMC ADCC activity
Binding to C1q by ELISA
CDC activity
Binding to FcγRIIa (131R) by SPR
ADCP activity
Binding to FcγRIa by AlphaLISA
Binding to FcγRIIb by SPR
Binding to FcγRIIIb by SPR
Binding to FcRn by AlphaScreen
Binding to FcRn by SPR
Thermal stability and forced degradation Reconstituted forced degradation study at 40°C
Lyophilized stressed degradation study at 40°C
Lyophilized accelerated degradation study at 25°C assessedby purity and potency assays

ADCC antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, ADCP antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis, SV-AUC sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation, CDC complement-dependent cytotoxicity, CEX-HPLC cation exchange high performance liquid chromatography, CHO Chinese Hamster Ovary cell, cIEF,capillary isoelectric focusing, C1q the first subcomponent of the C1 complex of the classical pathway of complement activation, DLS dynamic light scattering, DSCdifferential scanning calorimetry, ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, FACS fluorescence-activated cell sorting, FcR fragment crystallizable receptor, FcγRIaFc gamma receptor Type Ia, FcγRIIa Fc gamma receptor Type IIa, FcγRIIb Fc gamma receptor Type IIb, FcγRIIIa Fc gamma receptor Type IIIa, FcγRIIIb Fc gammareceptor Type IIIb, FcRn neonatal Fc receptor, FFF field flow fractionation, FTIR Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, HC heavy chain, HCP host cell protein,HIAC high accuracy light obscuration, HILIC hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography, UHPLC untra high performance liquid chromatography HPLC highperformance liquid chromatography, HUVEC human umbilical vein cells, LC light chain, mbTNF membrane bound tumor necrosis factor, MFI micro-flow imaging,NUV-CD near-ultraviolet circular dichroism, nrCE-SDS non-reduced capillary electrophoresis–sodium dodecyl sulfate, PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cell,rCE-SDS reduced capillary electrophoresis–sodium dodecyl sulfate, SE-HPLC-SLS size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography with light scattering, SE-HPLC size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography, SPR surface plasmon resonance, sTNF soluble tumor necrosis factor