Phenotype assay of 35S:MtRAVs transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings grown in MS medium, containing ABA. (A) 5-day-old seedlings of the three transgenic lines and WT Arabidopsis thaliana were planted on 1/2 MS medium without ABA for 12 days. (B–D) 5-day-old seedlings of three transgenic lines and WT Arabidopsis thaliana were planted on 1/2 MS medium with 20 μm ABA for 12 days. (E) The primary root length of MtRAVs transgenic lines and WT were measured 12 days after 20 μm ABA treatment. (F) The relative root lengths show an increase of primary root length in MtRAVs transgenic seedlings compared to WT. Independent t-tests demonstrated that there was significant difference (∗P < 0.05).