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. 2020 May 19;31:105718. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105718

Table 1.

Main descriptive elements obtained from observation of two profiles per each cropping system: integrated (INT), traditional organic (ORG) and innovative organic (ORG+) cropping systems, FieldLab-DSA3 (Papiano, Central Italy). For symbols see legend.

Landform: plain; Altitude: 162 m a.s.l.; Parent material: fluvial and lacustrine sediments; Soil: fine, mixed, mesic Typic Haplustept (Soil Survey Staff, 2014).
Depth cm Coloura Structureb Rootsc Boundaryd Other observations
Soil under integrated system (INT)
Ap1 0-14/15 10YR 4/4 2m sbk 0 cs Skeleton (by volume): 5%; with a diameter of up to 10 cm
Ap2 14/15-22/27 10YR 4/6 1f-m sbk 0 cw Skeleton (by volume): 2%; with a diameter < 0.5 cm
Bw1 22/27-40/43 10YR 4/6 1f sbk 0 cs Skeleton (by volume): < 2%
Bw2 40/43-73/76 10YR 4/6 2f sbk 0 cs Skeleton (by volume): 5%
BC 73/76-106+ 10YR 10/8 1f sbk v1 - Skeleton (by volume): 5%
Soil under traditional organic system (ORG)
Ap1 0-12 10YR 3/6 3f sbk 1vf,f cs Skeleton (by volume): <5%, with a diameter of up to 2 cm
Ap2 12-24 10YR 3/6 2m-c sbk 1vf,f cw Skeleton (by volume): 1%; with a diameter < 0.5 cm
Bw1 24-42/44 10YR 4/6 3f-m sbk 1vf,f cs Skeleton (by volume): 0%
Bw2 42/44-61/62 10YR 4/4 1m sbk 0 cw Skeleton (by volume): 0%
BC 61/62-101+ 10YR 5/6 1m-c sbk 0 - Skeleton (by volume): 0%
Soil under innovative organic system (ORG+)
Oi 1-0
Ap1 0-6/7 10YR 4/4 3f sbk 3 f,m cw Skeleton (by volume): 0%; Signs of compression evidenced by the presence of a superficial crust (0.5 cm) that breaks horizontally.
Ap2 6/7-17/16 10YR 4/4 1m sbk 3 f,m cw Skeleton (by volume): < 1%
Ap3 16/17-30 10YR 4/6 1m sbk 2 vf,f cs Skeleton (by volume): < 1%
10YR 4/3
Bw1 30-50/51 10YR 5/6 2f abk 1 f cs Skeleton (by volume): 0%
10YR 4/4
Bw2 50/51-64/70 10YR 5/8 2f sbk 0 cw Skeleton (by volume): < 1%
BC 64/70-104+ 10YR 5/6 2c sbk 0 - Skeleton (by volume): 10%; with a diameter < 0.5 cm

moist and crushed, according to the Munsell Soil Color Charts.


1 = weak, 2 = moderate, 3 = strong; f = fine, m = medium, c = coarse; cr = crumb, abk = angular blocky, sbk = subangular blocky.


0 = absent, v1 = very few, 1 = few, 2 = plentiful, 3 = abundant; mi = micro, vf = very fine, f = fine, m = medium, co = coarse.


a = abrupt, c = clear; w = wavy, s = smooth.