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. 2020 May 19;31:105718. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105718
Subject Agricultural and Biological Sciences (General)
Specific subject area Effects of the cropping systems management on soil physicochemical features and invertebrate biodiversity
Type of data Table
How data were acquired Soil survey, Agilent 7890-A gas-chromatograph, DNA extraction, BioRad c1000 thermocycler, SANGER sequencing, MEGA 7.
Data format Raw
Parameters for data collection All soil samples were air-dried and sieved through a 2-mm mesh for: particle size distribution, pH in water (pHH2O), available P (Pav), content of total organic C (TOC), water extractable organic C (WEOC), microbial biomass C (Cmic), amount of CO2 evolved during basal respiration experiments (Res) and invertebrates collected. An aliquot of soil samples stored at 4°C was used for phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA).
Description of data collection Meteorological data: meteorological station placed inside FieldLab-DSA3.
Agronomical data: field samplings; suction cup lysimeters.
Soil data: a soil profile was dug within each plot (2 plot x 3 treatment=6 profiles) to a depth of at least 90 cm and its morphology described. From each profile, the Ap 1 horizon was sampled and carried in a portable refrigerator to the laboratory.
Invertebrate data: field/soil samplings; Tullgren funnels; Pitfall traps; Molecular gut-content analysis; DNA barcoding.
Data source location FieldLab-DSA3, Papiano (Perugia), Italy (42°57’ N, 12°22’ E)
Data accessibility With the article
Related research article [1] Massaccesi, L., Rondoni, G., Tosti, G., Conti, E., Guiducci, M., Agnelli, A., Soil functions are affected by transition from conventional to organic mulch-based cropping system, Applied Soil Ecology,