Figure 4.
(a) Solution 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (9.843 GHz) EPR spectrum of 7 obtained at 298 K expanded to show an isotropic signal (red) simulated (black) with the following parameters: giso = 2.033, σgx = 0.0277, σgy = 0.0039, σgz = 0.0051; 63Cu2 Aiso = 87.4 MHz; 14N Aiso = 17.8 MHz. (b) Frozen 2-methyltetrahydrofuran (9.378 GHz) EPR spectrum 7 obtained at 4 K expanded to show an anisotropic signal (red) simulated (black) with the following parameters: gx = 1.979, gy = 2.032, gz = 2.074; σgx = 0.0080, σgy = 0.0014, σgz = 0.0098; 63Cu2 Ax = 9.3 MHz, Ay = 43.9 MHz, Az = 9.7 MHz; 14N Ax = 86.6 MHz, Ay = 125.6 MHz, Az = 130.3 MHz.