Figure 2.
Fungal Uptake and Dectin-1 and Card9 and IFN Signaling Regulate Lung CXCL9 and CXCL10 Levels during A. fumigatus Infection
(A–E) (A) Representative flow cytometry plots and bar graphs (B–E) that indicate the frequency of RFP+ (CXCL9+; red bar in B and C), RFP− (CXCL9−; gray bar in B and C), BFP+ (CXCL10+; blue bar, in D and E), and BFP− (CXCL10−; gray bar in D and E) bystander and fungus-engaged leukocytes isolated from (A, left column) naive or (A, middle and right column, B, and E) infected Rex3 Tg → C57BL6.SJL BM chimeric mice (n = 7) with 3 × 107 AF633-labeled CEA10 conidia. The solid black gates in (A) indicate bystander neutrophils, whereas the solid blue gates indicate fungus-engaged leukocytes. The dashed line in the black and blue gate indicate CXCL9+ and CXCL9− (top quadrants) leukocytes and CXCL10+ and CXCL10− (bottom quadrants) leukocytes.
(F) Lung CXCL9 and (G) CXCL10 levels in naive wild-type (WT, n = 5) and in WT (n = 10), Clec7a−/− (n = 8), Card9−/− (n = 7), Ifnar1−/− (n = 9), and Ifnlr−/− (n = 9) mice 48 h pi with 3 × 107 CEA10 conidia. Data were pooled from two independent experiments.
(B–G) Dots represent individual mice and data are presented as mean ± SEM. Statistical analysis: Mann-Whitney test. See also Figure S2.