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. 2020 Jun 1;256:117883. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2020.117883

Table 2.

Clinical trials of the various therapeutics for COVID-19.

Sr. no. Therapeutic moiety/combinations Phase of clinical trial Route of administration Category and purpose in COVID-19 Sponsor identifier
1 Chloroquine 2 & 3, 4, 2 Oral route Antimalarial, to treat mild Symptomatic and Asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 HaEmek Medical Center, Israel, Wroclaw Medical University, Poland, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit, Vietnam NCT04333628, NCT04331600, NCT04328493
2 Hydroxychloroquine 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 Oral route Antimalarial, to prevent severe COVID-19 disease Dr. Michael Hill, University of Calgary, Canada, Germany, United States, Baylor University Medical Center, United States, California, Rambam Health Care Campus NCT04329611, NCT04340544, NCT04329923, NCT04333225, NCT04335084, NCT04323631
3 Remdesivir 3 I.V infusion Antiviral in treatment of COVID-19 Gilead Sciences, NCT04292899, NCT04292730
4 Azithromycin 3 Oral route Antibiotic, to prevent COVD-19 disease progression University of California, San Francisco NCT04332107
5 Atovaquone/Azithromycin NA Oral route Anti-Malarial/Anti-Infective Combination to treat COVID-19 patients HonorHealth Research Institute, United States NCT04339426
6 Lopinavir/ritonavir 2 Oral route Antiretroviral, to treat COVID-19 patients Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Canada NCT04330690
7 Lopinavir/ritonavir vs Hydroxychloroquine sulfate 2 Oral route To treat Mild COVID-19 Asan Medical Center, Korea NCT04307693
  • 1.


  • 2.

    Hydroxychloroquine sulfate,

  • 3.


  • 4.


2 1, 2, & 3 Oral route, 4. S.C injection To treat moderate to severe COVID-19 Lisa Barrett, Canada NCT04321993
9 Remdesivir, Lopinavir/ritonavir, interferon β-1A, and hydroxychloroquine 3 I.V infusion, oral route, S.C injection, and oral route respectively To treat COVID-19 patients National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France NCT04315948
10 Hydroxychloroquine, Oseltamivir, Azithromycin 3 Oral route To treat COVID-19 patients Shehnoor Azhar, Pakistan NCT04338698
11 Hydroxychloroquine and Nitazoxanide 2, 3 Oral route To evaluate safety and efficacy in COVID-19 patients Tanta University NCT04361318
12 Hydroxychloroquine vs. Azithromycin 2, 3 Oral route To treat COVID-19 patients Intermountain Health Care, Inc., United States, Intermountain Medical Center, United States NCT04329832, NCT04334382
13 1. Lopinavir/ritonavir,
2. Ribavirin and
3. Interferon beta-1b
2 1 & 2 oral route, 3 S.C injection To treat COVID-19 patients The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong NCT04276688
14 Clevudine 2 Oral route Antiviral, to evaluate safety and efficacy in COVID-19 patients Bukwang Pharmaceutical, Korea NCT04347915
15 Arbidol 4 Oral route Antiviral, to treat patients with COVID-19 pneumonia Jieming QU, Ruijin Hospital, China NCT04260594
16 Isotretinoin 3 Oral route Retinoid, to evaluate the safety and efficacy in COVID-19 Tanta University, Egypt NCT04361422
17 Ivermectin and Nitazoxanide 2, 3 Oral route To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the combination in COVID-19 Tanta University, Egypt NCT04360356
18 Recombinant human Interferon α1β 1 Nebulization To treat COVID-19 patients Tongji Hospital, China NCT04293887
  • 1.

    Bromhexine hydrochloride,

  • 2.

    Arbidol hydrochloride and 3. Recombinant Human-Interferon α2b

NA 1 & 2 oral route, 3 spray To treat patients with COVID-19 pneumonia Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, China NCT04273763
20 Deferoxamine 1 & 2 Intravenous infusion Iron chelator, to reduce the Severity of COVID-19 Manifestations Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran NCT04333550
21 Dexamethasone 4 I.V Steroid, to treat patients with ARDS caused by COVID-19 Dr. Negrin University Hospital, Spain NCT04325061
22 Piclidenoson 2 Oral route A3 adenosine receptor agonist, to treat COVID-19 patients Can-Fite BioPharma, Israel NCT04333472
23 Favipiravir 3 Oral route Antiviral, to evaluate safety and efficacy in COVID-19 patients Giuliano Rizzardini, Italy NCT04336904
24 Huaier Granule 2 & 3 Oral route Adjuvant treatment of COVID-19 Tongji Hospital, China NCT04291053
25 Tranexamic acid 2 Oral route Antifibrinolytics, to study its effect on COVID-19 The University of Alabama at Birmingham, United States NCT04338126
26 BLD-2660 2 Oral route Antiviral small molecule, to treat COVID-19 Blade Therapeutics, United States NCT04334460
27 Sildenafil citrate 3 Oral route Phosphodiesterase inhibitor, to treat COVID-19 patients Tongji Hospital, China NCT04304313
28 Losartan 1 Oral route Angiotensin receptor blocker, to treat respiratory failure due to COVID-19 University of Kansas Medical Center, United States NCT04335123
29 Telmisartan 2 Oral route Angiotensin receptor blocker, to evaluate the efficacy in COVID-19 patients Laboratorio Elea Phoenix S.A., Argentina NCT04355936
30 Atorvastatin 2 Oral route Statin, to assess the efficacy in reducing the deteroration of COVID-19 patients Mount Auburn Hospital NCT04380402
31 Prazosin 2 Oral route Alpha-blockers, to evaluate the safety and efficacy of drug to prevent cytokine storm Johns Hopkins University, United States NCT04365257
32 Chlorpromazine 3 Oral route Antipsychotics, to repurpose the drug for COVID-19 treatment Centre Hospitalier St Anne, France NCT04366739
33 Lenalidomide 4 Oral route Antiangiogenic agent, to treat mild to moderate COVID-19 patients Getafe University Hospital, Spain NCT04361643
34 FT516 - induced pluripotent stem cell 1 To identify the maximum tolerated dose for the treatment of COVID-19 Masonic Cancer Center, University of Minnesota NCT04363346
35 Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells 2 I.V injection To evaluate safety and efficacy of cells in patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia Cell Therapy Network, Spain NCT04361942
36 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells 1 & 2 I.V Improve immune factor and to treat patients with COVID-19 pneumonia Puren Hospital, China NCT04339660
37 Anti-SARS-CoV-2 convalescent plasma 2 I.V infusion To assess the safety and efficacy Medical College of Wisconsin, Hackensack Meridian Health, United States, Joakim Dillner, Sweden NCT04354831, NCT04343755, NCT04390178, NCT04384497
38 Anti-SARS-CoV-2 convalescent plasma 3 I.V infusion To evaluate the efficacy Central Directorate of the Army Health Service, France,
National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubiran, United Mexican States
NCT04372979, NCT04388410
39 Hyperimmune plasma with standard therapy 2 & 3 I.V To evaluate safety and efficacy in COVID-19 patients University of Catanzaro, Italy NCT04385043
40 bac-TRL-Spike 1 Oral route To prevent COVID-19 in Healthy adults Symvivo Corporation, Canada NCT04334980
41 IFX-1 with Best supportive care 2 & 3 I.V C5a antibody, to treat pneumonia. InflaRx GmbH, Netherlands NCT04333420
42 Acalabrutinib with Best supportive care 2 Oral route Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitor, To evaluate safety, efficacy and pharmacokinetics AstraZeneca, United States NCT04380688, NCT04346199
43 Baricitinib 2 & 3 I.V Janus Kinase inhibitor, to treat COVID-19 University of Colorado, United States NCT04340232
44 Tocilizumab 2 I.V injection Immunosuppressive, to treat patients with COVID-19 pneumonia National Cancer Institute, Naples, University Hospital Inselspital, Berne, Switzerland NCT04317092, NCT04335071
45 Canakinumab 3 I.V infusion Anti-human-IL-1β monoclonal antibody, To study the safety and efficacy in COVID-19 patients with cytokine release syndrome Novartis Pharmaceuticals, United States NCT04362813
46 Ruxolitinib 2 Kinase inhibitor, to treat hyper inflammation in patients with stage II/III COVID-19 Dr. Andreas Hochhaus, Germany NCT04338958
47 Ruxolitinib 3 Oral route To evaluate safety and efficacy in COVID-19 patients with Cytokine storm Novartis Pharmaceuticals, United Kingdom NCT04362137
48 BCG vaccine 3 Intracutaneous injection To reduce Health Care Workers Absenteeism in COVID-19 UMC Utrecht, Netherlands, Murdoch Children Research Institute, Australia NCT04328441, NCT04327206
49 Artificial Antigen Presenting Cell (aAPC) Vaccine 1 S.C injection To treat COVID-19 Shenzhen Geno-Immune Medical Institute, China NCT04299724
50 ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 Vaccine 1 & 2 I.M To treat COVID-19 University of Oxford, United Kingdom NCT04324606
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