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[Preprint]. 2020 Jan 6:2020.04.21.053017. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2020.04.21.053017

FIG 3.


Inhibition of FluPol transcription by VR17-04. (A) Schematic of FluPol transcription initiation using a capped RNA primer. The terminal AG bases of the primer can base pair with the terminal U (orange), or the terminal UC (red) of the influenza virus template, resulting in two possible extension products called the C- and G-product, respectively. (B) Effect of VR17-04 on FluPol transcription in vitro using a radiolabelled capped RNA as primer. An active site mutant containing a mutation in the PB1 active site was used as negative control. DMSO was used a solvent control. C- and G-products are indicated as well as realignment products that can form when the polymerase slips at position 4 of the template.