PBF affects embryo weight in barley and wheat. The absolute and relative dry weights of the embryo and non-embryo grain parts of wild-types (black bars) and mutants (white bars) are shown. Mean values ± SE are for 11 to 13 (barley) or 25 (wheat) replicate biological samples. Each sample contained 10 grains. Values for mutants that are significantly different from the values for their relevant wild-type controls (Students t-test, p < 0.05) are indicated by an asterisk.
A. Barley mutants. Risø1508, Risø18 and Risø19 and M1460 are lys3 mutants. Bomi is the wild-type parent of the three Risø mutants. B. Wheat TILLING mutants. Lines are as described in Fig. 3.