Valence Category |
Positive | Negative | Neutral | |
Function words | |||
Number of data points | 37,548 | 38,003 | 5,376 |
Percentage1 | 49.12 | 51.04 | 47.41 |
Number of unique words | 112 | 128 | 64 |
Content words | |||
Number of data points | 38,892 | 36,456 | 5,964 |
Percentage1 | 50.88 | 48.96 | 52.59 |
Number of unique words | 570 | 585 | 128 |
Skipped words | |||
Number of data points | 26,939 | 25,472 | 3,158 |
Percentage1 | 35.24 | 34.21 | 27.85 |
The data table consisted of 150,899 data points (i.e., each row represented one word). 1Percentage relative to the total number of data points belonging to the positive, negative, or neutral valence category, respectively.