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. 2020 Apr 27;7(6):ofaa128. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa128

Table 1.

Summary of the Clinical Characteristics Concerning 19 Patients With Gastrointestinal Talaromycosis: Systematic Literature and Present Report Review

Year of Publication Area of Report Age (Year)/Sex Occupation Medical History Clinical Manifestations CD4+  (cells/ mm3) Endoscopic Findings /Abdomen CT Site(s) of Positive Culture/Histology Antifungal Treatment Outcome
1988 [13] Hong Kong, China 58/M NM Hemolytic anemia Fever, abdominal pain, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly ND Upper descending, colon constrictiona Liver, colon, lung (a + h) AMB for 5 days Died
1988 [14] China 0.33/M None None Fever, diarrhea, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly ND ND Liver, spleen, bowel, kidney, lung, adrenal, mesenteric lymph nodes (a + h) None Died
1992 [15] Hong Kong, China 72/M NM AIDS Dysphagia, anorexia, weight loss, GI bleeding ND ND Small intestine, mesenteric lymph node, liver (a + h) None Died
1996 [5] Hong Kong, China 32/M NM AIDS, TB Fever, night sweats, dry cough, diarrhea hepatomegaly 60 Multiple ulcersa Colon ulcer (b + c) AMB for 2 weeks, oral ICZ Cured
1999 [6] Taiwan, China 33/M NM Renal transplant Cough and sputum production, bloody stool, tongue ulcer NM Erosion at the antrum, ampulla Vater tumor with bleedinga Duodenum (b), blood (c) None Died
1999 [6] Taiwan, China 52/M NM AIDS Fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, hepatomegaly 20 Shallow ulcersa Colon ulcers (b), blood, bone marrow, skin lesion (c) AMB for 2 weeks, oral ICZ Cured
1999 [6] Taiwan, China 30/M NM AIDS Fever, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stool, weight loss ND Shallow ulcersa; mesenteric lymphadenopathy and edematous intestineb Colon ulcer (b), blood (c) AMB for 2 weeks, oral ICZ Cured
2004 [7] China 21/M Farmer Tuberculosis of lymph nodes Abdominal pain, skin lesion, bloody stools ND Erosion at the colona Skin lesions (b + c), colon (b + h) Oral ICZ for 10 days Died
2006 [16] China 51/M NM AIDS Fever, diarrhea, weight loss, skin lesions 20 Multiple ulcersa; abdominal lymphadenopathyb Blood, skin lesion (c) Oral FLZ for 12 weeks, oral ICZ 10 weeks Cured
2008 [17] India 33/M NM None Fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, weight loss hematemesis, anorexia, lymphadenopathy 7 Mesenteric lymphadenopathy and intestinal obstructionb Colon (b), duodenal tissue, bone marrow (c) AMB for 2 weeks, oral ICZ for 10 weeks Cured
2010 [8] Hong Kong, China 39/M NM AIDS Fever, diarrhea, sore throat, weight loss 11 Multiple ulcersa Colon ulcers, stomach and duodenal (b + c) AMB for 2 weeks, then oral ICZ for 10 weeks Cured
2015 [9] Hong Kong, China 56/M NM Waldenström macroglobulinemia, ITP, PBC Fever, night sweating, cough, bloody diarrhea 315 Multiple shallow ulcersa Terminal ileal ulcers, stool (c), nasopharyngeal (b + c) AMB for 2 weeks, oral VCZ Cured
2016 [10] China 41/M NM AIDS Fever, abdominal pain, cough, weight loss 18 Multiple ulcers with polypoid lesionsa Colon (b) AMB for 2 weeks, oral ICZ for 9 months Cured
2017 [11] China 32/F NM AIDS, HBV carriers Fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, lymphadenopathy, weight loss 4 Multiple ulcersa abdominal lymphadenopathyb Colon (b), blood (c) AMB for 2 weeks, oral ICZ for 3 months Cured
2017 [12] China 52/M NM AIDS Abdominal pain, weight loss, anemia, diarrhea 28 Multiple ulcersa; mesenteric lymphadenopathy, edem-atous expansion of the colonb transverse colon (b + h) iv ICZ for 1 week, oral ICZ Cured
2020 [13] India 38/F Teacher AIDS Abdominal pain, skin lesions, anorexia, weight loss 69 Deep ulceration, luminal narrowinga, intestinal obstructionb Skin lesions, jejunal ulcers (b) AMB for 2 weeks, oral ICZ for 6 months Cured
PR China 37/M Farmer AIDS Abdominal pain 77 Multiple ulcersa Colon (b), blood (c) AMB for 2 weeks, then oral ICZ for 8 months Cured
PR China 50/M Farmer AIDS Abdominal pain, weight loss 110 Multiple ulcersa Colon (b) FLZ + AMB for 2 weeks, oral ICZ for 12 months Cured
PR China 3/M None None Abdominal pain, fever, hepatomegaly 1078 Multiple ulcersa Colon, liver tissue (b), bone marrow (c) iv VCZ for 4 weeks, oral VCZ for 16 months Cured

Abbreviations: AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; AMB, amphotericin B; CT, computed tomography; FLZ, fluconazole; GI, gastrointestinal; HBV, hepatitis B virus; ICZ, itraconazole; ITP, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura; NM, not mentioned; ND, not done; iv, intravenous; PBC, primary biliary cirrhosis; PR, present report; TB, tuberculosis; VCZ, voriconazole.

NOTE: Diagnostic methods to demonstrate Talaromyces marneffei involved: (a) autopsy, (b) biopsy, (c) culture, and (h) histopathology.

aEndoscopic findings.

bCT findings of the abdomen.