Figure EV3. SIRT5 deficiency enhances cellular antiviral response in HCT116 cells.
A–DqPCR analysis of IFNβ (A), ISG15 (B), CXCL10 (C), and IFIT1 (D) mRNA in SIRT5‐deficient (SIRT5 −/−) or WT (SIRT5 +/+) HCT116 cells infected with or without SeV (Sev or UI) for 8 h. UI, uninfected; the graphs represent the fold induction relative to the untreated control cells. All data are presented as the mean values based on three independent experiments, and error bars indicate s.e.m.
EFluorescence microscopy images of VSV‐GFP virus replication in SIRT5‐deficient (SIRT5 −/−) or WT (SIRT5 +/+) HCT116 cells after infected with VSV‐GFP viruses (MOI = 0.1) for 12 h (fluorescence, upper; bright‐field, bottom). The expression of SIRT5 in SIRT5‐deficient (SIRT5 −/−) or WT (SIRT5 +/+) HCT116 cells was examined by Western blot analysis.