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. 2019 Sep 30;34(4):783–784. doi: 10.1038/s41433-019-0609-6

Table 1.

Demographics, molecular changes and subjective perceived impairment in sense of smell for the patients included in the present study

Patient number Age (years) Sex Variant 1 Variant 2 Both variants in channel domain? Subjective sense of smell
Base change Effect Base change Effect
1 50 M c.2777-?_2958+?del (Exon 28-29 deletion) p.? c.2777-?_2958+?del (Exon 28-29 deletion) p.? Yes Absent
2 45 F c.2957A>T p.(Asn986Ile) c.2957A>T p.(Asn986Ile) Yes Normal
3 68 M c.2285G>A p.(Arg762His) c.2285G>A p.(Arg762His) Yes Normal
4 53 F c.2544dupG p.(Leu849Alafs*3) c.2544dupG p.(Leu849Alafs*3) Yes Reduced
5 64 F c.2957A>T p.(Asn986Ile) c.2544dupG p.(Leu849Alafs*3) Yes Reduced
6 56 M c.1729delG p.(Glu577Serfs*6) c.1729delG p.(Glu577Serfs*6) Yes Reduced
7 71 F c.2676C>A p.(Tyr892*) c.2980G>T p.(Glu994*) Yes Reduced
8 68 F c.2957A>T p.(Asn986Ile) c.534+1G>A Splice defect No Normal
9 42 M c.2544dupG p.(Leu849Alafs*3) c.262C>T p.(Gln88*) No Normal
10 82 M c.2540G>A p.(Gly847Glu) c.346C>T p.(Gln116*) No Normal
11 59 F c.262C>T p.(Gln88*) c.664C>T p.(Gln222*) No Normal
12 67 F c.2258T>A p.(Leu753*) c.807G>C p.(Gln269His) No Normal
13 63 F c.413-1G>A Splice defect c.413-1G>A Splice defect No Absent
14 69 F c.952C>T p.(Gln318*) c.2957A>T p.(Asn986Ile) No Normal
15 64 M c.952C>T p.(Gln318*) c.2957A>T p.(Asn986Ile) No Normal

Patients 14 and 15 are siblings. The transcript ID for variant annotation is NM_001297.4. The following variants have not been previously reported in the context of CNGB1-associated retinitis pigmentosa (frequency in the gnomAD database,, accessed 6 May 2019, of each allele is also given): p.(Gln116*), 4.02 × 10−6; p(.Glu577Serfs*6), not found in gnomAD; p.(Arg762His), 1.61 × 10−5; p.(Gly847Glu), 8.01 × 10−6; p.(Tyr892*), not found in gnomAD; p.(Glu994*), not found in gnomAD. All were predicted to be disease-causing (, accessed 6 May 2019). c.534 + 1G>A affects a splice donor site, and has a frequency in gnomAD of 3.63 × 10−5. Exon 28–29 deletion is not found in gnomAD