Figure 6.
Dsg3 trans binding is critical in cadherin order and dynamics. (A) HaCaT cells were transfected with Dsg3-ΔEA-GFP (Dsg3-wt) or Dsg3-ΔEA-GFP-W2A (Dsg3-W2A) and imaged with fluorescence polarization microscopy. (B) Mean order factor (Dsg3-W2A n = 7; Dsg3-wt n = 19; mean ± SD; **, P ≤ 0.01; Student’s t test). (C and D) FRAP experiments were conducted on HaCaT cells cotransfected with Dsg3-W2A and DP-mCherry and mock treated in normal-Ca2+ medium. (C) Representative cell and time points of region of interest (ROIs). (D) Fluorescence recovery over time and mobile fraction of the ROI. (E and F) FRAP experiments were conducted on HaCaT cells cotransfected Dsg3-W2A and DP-mCherry, treated with Gö6976, and switched to low-Ca2+ medium. (E) Representative cell and time points of ROI. (F) Fluorescence recovery over time and mobile fraction of the ROI. (G and H) FRAP recovery curves (mean ± SD; G) and mobile fractions (mean ± SD; H) for cells cotransfected with both Dsg3-W2A and DP-mCherry with mock (n = 9) or Gö6976 (n = 11) treatment (ns, not significant, P > 0.05; *, P ≤ 0.05; **, P ≤ 0.01; ANOVA). (I) Schematic of how trans binding changes cadherin mobility in hyperadhesive desmosomes. Scale bars = 5 µm; ROI scale bars =1 µm.