Figure S5.
MAD2 recruitment to kinetochores is delayed when MAD1 cannot bind cyclin B1. Related to Fig. 5. (A) Schematic showing how RFP670 was tagged at the N terminus of MIS12 (RHA and LHA refer to right and left homology arms, respectively). (B) PCR of genomic DNA from wild-type RPE1 cells (control), parental RPE cyclin B1-Venus+/−: Ruby-MAD2+/−; RFP670-MIS12+/+ cells (Par.), or MAD1 E53/E56K: RFP670-MIS12+/+ clones 7D2 and 8B12, showing integration of RFP670 into both alleles of MIS12. (C) Maximum projection images of parental RPE cyclin B1-Venus+/−:Ruby-MAD2+/−; RFP670-MIS12+/+cells (Par.) and MAD1 E53/E56K: RFP670-MIS12+/+ clones 7D2 and 8B12. Left panels show Ruby-MAD2; right panels show RFP670-MIS12. Scale bar, top right panel, 5 µm.