Figure 1.
Validation of the dbToxRp construct showing it is similar in structure to ToxRp, destabilized by bile salts, and can bind ToxSp. (a) A HSQC of 15N-dbToxRp in black overlaid with a HSQC of 15N-ToxRp in red. The NMR data was collected on a Bruker 700 MHz instrument. (b) Melting temperatures of dbToxRp when treated with 2 mM cholate and chenodeoxycholate as measured by DSF. Each trial is graphed as well as the mean and SD, n = 3. (c) A colloidal blue stained gel showing the dbToxRp can be pulled down by CBD-ToxSp. Lane 1–3: serial dilutions 1×-1/4x of the CBD-ToxSp pull down with dbToxRP, Lane 4: dbToxRp with beads only.