Proportion of patients with confirmed disability progression after 12 and 24 months of 2nd-line treatment initiation. Confirmed disability progression was defined as an increase of ≥1.5 points on the EDSS score from a baseline score of <1, or an increase ≥1 point from a baseline score ≥1, confirmed after, at least, 3 months. As the EDSS score is assessed at 3, 6, and 12 months during the first year of follow-up, if disease progression was observed at month 3, confirmation was assessed at month 6; if disease progression was observed at month 6, confirmation was assessed at month 12; and if disease progression was observed at month 12, confirmation was assessed at month 18. * When disease progression was observed at month 12, but EDSS score was not available afterwards to assess confirmation. FIN, fingolimod; NTZ, natalizumab.