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. 2020 Jun 1;19:80. doi: 10.1186/s12939-020-01194-4

Table 2.

Overview of the participants’ personal, socioeconomic position, T2DM, self-management and SoC characteristics

Personal characteristics Socioeconomic position T2DM Self-management SoC
Pseudonym Age (years) Living situation Children (n) Education1 Income2 Occupation status3 Disease duration (years) HbA1c4(mmol/L) FGL5(mmol/L) Physical activity6(days/week) Self-monitoring blood glucose7(days/week) Smoking SoC7(0–52)
Diane ♀ 49 Children 2 Medium Low Lowc 5 69 6.4 0 0 Noh 21
Ria ♀ 75 Partner 2 Medium Mediuma Lowd, e 10 7.0 7 0 No 30.5
Annie ♀ 60 Alone 0 Medium Low Lowc 11 52 6.8 3.5 0 Noh 42
Mieke ♀ 56 Partner + children 2 Medium Medium Medium 16 7.0 7 0 No 35.5
Saskia ♀ 67 Alone 2 Low Low Lowd, e 20 92 11.1 1.5 1–2 No 24
Karin ♀ 65 Alone 2 Medium Low Lowd, e 0.5 69 11.0 1.5 0 No 35
Jan ♂ 73 Partner 1 Low Medium Lowd 0.5 0.5 0 No 41
Carla ♀ 71 Partner 1 Medium Mediumb Lowd 10 9.4g 1.5 1 Yes 49
Freek ♂ 72 Partner + children 3 Medium Low Lowd 19 62 3.5 0 No5 41
Marja ♀ 69 Partner 1 Medium Lowd 10 43 8.5 3.5 0 No 21.5
Henk ♂ 66 Partner 3 Medium Low Lowf 10 60 7 0 No 26.5
Mark ♂ 66 Partner + children 3 Medium Low Mediumd 21 66 7 7 No 43
Dennis ♂ 69 Partner + children 3 Medium Medium Lowd 10 5.5 3.5 0–1 No 36
Claudia ♀ 77 Alone 2 Low Low Lowd 15 6.4 1 0–1 No 22
Tygo ♂ 71 Partner 2 Low Low Lowd 10 5 0 Noh 44
Theo ♂ 62 Partner + children 4 High High Lowf 10–12 7.2 0 0 No 43
Robert ♂ 64 Partner 2 Medium Low Lowf 23 61 3.5 1 No 40

1Based on the highest completed education. Low education: Primary education; Medium education: Basis secondary education (Junior secondary pre-vocational education, junior secondary general education, secondary general education, pre-uni versity education, senior secondary vocational education (Known as VMBO, VBO, MAVO, HAVO, VWO, MBO in Dutch); High education: Higher professional education or academic higher education (university) (Known as HBO or WO in Dutch); Low education: Primary education

2 Based on self-reported current net monthly income. Categorisation of incomes is based on the average net income in the Netherlands (i.e. net income of 2120 euro/month (CBP 2019)). Low income: < 2120 euro/month; Medium income: 2000–2500 euro/month; High income: > 2500 euro/month

3 Based on current occupation status. When retired, the classification was based on the latest occupation. Low occupation status: Unemployed, medically declared unfit for work, or occupations that do not require secondary education; Medium occupation status: Occupations that require medium education; High occupation status: Occupations that require high education Occupations that require medium education; Low occupation status: Unemployed, medically declared unfit for work, or occupations that do not require secondary education

4 HbA1c are self-reported. Cut-off values are based on Diabetes Fonds [68]: Low HbA1c: < 53 mmol/L; Slightly alleviated HbA1c: 54–63 mmol/; Alleviated HbA1c: 64–85 mmol/L; High HbA1c: > 86 mmol/L

5FGL = Fasting glucose levels; self-reported. Cut-off values are based on Diabetes Fonds [68]: Low FGL: < 6.1 mmol/L; Medium FGL: 6.1–6.9 mmol/L; High FGL: > 6.9 mmol/L

6 Physically active for at least 30 min

7 SoC-13 total score = 52. Low SoC: < 17; Medium SoC: 18–35; High SoC: > 35. Cut-off values are based on 52/3 = 17

a Husband’s pension b Combined pensions (husband’s and wife’s) c Unemployed d Currently retired e No professional career; housewife f Medically declared unfit for work g Measured in non-fasting state h Past smoker