a) Evidence for models of correlation values between
r = 0 and
r = 1 for sequence-specific patterns across weeks 1–2 (solid) and 2–5 (dashed), estimated only on trials with correct performance. Correlations of trained patterns are in red, untrained in blue. Evidence was assessed with a type-II log-likelihood, relative to the average log-likelihood across models. Shaded areas indicate standard error across participants. Vertical lines indicate the winning correlation model for trained (red) and untrained (blue) patterns across weeks 1–2. Black dots mark the log-likelihood of the trained sequence across weeks 1–2 under the winning models. Horizontal lines from the two black dots indicate the difference in likelihood of the trained data under the two models, tested in a crossvalidated t-test (* indicates p<0.05 for one-sided t-statistics). (
b) Difference between correlation of the winner models for trained and untrained sequences, as presented in
Figure 6c. Blue indicates a lower correlation across weeks for trained than untrained patterns of activity. The correlation difference values are plotted in tessels where the difference in model evidence was significant, as based on the cross-validated
t-test (for two-sided p<0.05).