Fig. 4.
Risk of CAD predicted by polygenic scores for MDD (a), loneliness (b), MDD|loneliness (c), and loneliness|MDD (d) before and after adjustment for conventional heart disease risk factors. Minimally adjusted (“Minimal”) models included sex (except sex-stratified results), age, the first ten principal components of ancestry, and genotype batch. Fully adjusted (“Full”) models included additional covariates for BMI, hypertension, smoking, type 2 diabetes, blood measurements of HDL, LDL, and triglycerides, highest level of education, a polygenic score for CAD, and depressive symptoms. Values for smoking and highest level of education were unknown for ~50% of patients. These unknown values were retained in the “Full” model by modeling an explicit category for “missing” values, and were removed from the “Full - no UNK” model. Patients were excluded from the fully adjusted models if there were missing values for any of the other included covariates. The asterisk in b denotes sex × polygenic score interaction P < .05