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. 2020 May 27;11:990. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00990


Molecular docking of CviR structures of C. violaceum ATCC 12472 with phenolic compounds found in pulp and seed extracts of S. cumini (L.) Skeels.

Extract Compound PubChem CID 3QP6
Binding residue Score Rank Binding residue Score Rank
n.a. 3-OH-C10-HSL 71353010 Y80, W84, Y88, D97, S155 −85.11 Y80, W84, Y88, D97, S155 −81.54 1
n.a. C10-HSL 11644562 Y80, W84, D97, S155 −82.21 2 Y80, W84, S155 −81.28 2
Pulp Gallotannins 452707 Q70, S82, W84, S89, N92 −56.34 8 M72, N77, S82 −75.36 3
Pulp Catechin 3-O-gallate 5276454 Y88, S89, N92 −57.13 7 Y88, N92, A94 −69.27 4
n.a. C6-HSL 3462373 W84, Y80, D97, S155 −66.92 3 Y80, W84, S155 −66.69 5
Pulp Rutin 5280805 Y80, W84, L85, Y88, S89, D97, T140, S155 −19.8 44 M72, Y88, N92, A94 −62.87 6
Pulp and seed Chlorogenic acid 1794427 W84, S89 −64.41 4 W84, S89 −62.26 7
Pulp Dihydroquercetin 471 Y88, S155 −61.8 5 L85, Y88, S155 −61.82 8
Pulp Epicatechin 3-O-gallate 107905 S89, N92 −44.49 21 M72, E73, Y88, S89, N92, A94 −61.27 9
Pulp Epicatechin 72276 Y88, D97 −54.34 10 Y88, D97, M135 −60.76 10
Pulp Gallocatechin 3-O-gallate 199472 Y88, S89, N92 −46.77 17 Y88, A94 −60.32 11
Pulp 6-methyldihydroquercetin 182026 L85, D97 −55.21 9 L85, D97 −59.15 12
Pulp Epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate 65064 L85, S89, N92 −42.62 24 M72, E73, Y88, A94 −58.81 13
Pulp Peonidin 3,5-diglucoside 44256843 Y80, W84, S89, S155 −1.26 47 M72, V75, Y88, S89, N92, A94 −58.37 14
Pulp Cyanidin 3-glucoside 12303203 Y88, S89, N92 −52.46 12 Y88, S89 −57.35 15
Pulp Kaempferol 5280863 M135, S155 −58.54 96 Y80, M135, S155 −56.46 16
Pulp and seed Quercetin 5280343 M135, S155 −52.95 11 M135, S155 −53.87 17
Pulp Delphinidin 3-glucoside 443650 Y88 −44.57 20 Y88, S89 −53.44 18
Pulp Delphinidin 3,5-diglucoside 10100906 Y80, S89, T140, S155 −6.3 45 V75, N77, S89, N92 −53.39 19
Pulp Petunidin 3-glucoside 443651 S89 −43.63 23 L85, Y88, S89, N92 −52.67 20
Pulp Cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside 441688 Y80, L85, T140, S155 −6.04 46 V75, Y88, N92, A94 −52.15 21
Pulp Epigallocatechin 72277 L85, Y88, S155 −50.9 14 W84, L85, Y88, S155 −52.08 22
Pulp Malvidin 3,5-diglucoside 44256978 M72, W84, Y88, S89, N92 16.96 48 M72, E73, V75, Y88, S89 −51.92 23
Pulp Malvidin 3-glucoside 443652 S89 −40.82 26 Y88, S89, A94 −51.69 24
Pulp and seed Catechin 9064 T140, S155 −52.4 13 Y80, D97, M135, S155 −51.51 25
Pulp Myricetin 3-glucoside 44259426 Y88, S89 −36.39 30 Y88, S89, N92, A94 −51.27 26
Pulp Lyricetin 3-rhamnoside 5281673 Y88, S89 −38.57 28 S89 −51.02 27
Pulp Laricitrin 5282154 W84 −44.09 22 W84 −49.89 28
Pulp Syringetin 5281953 W84 −42.11 25 W84, S155 −49.27 29
Pulp Gallocatechin 65084 L85 −50.07 16 L85 −48.86 30
Pulp Galloyl glucose 124021 W84, D97 −50.28 15 W84 −48.53 31
Pulp Petunidin 3,5-diglucoside 10151874 L85 −32.86 34 I69, Q70, L85, N92, A94 −48 32
Pulp Dihydromyricetin 161557 S89 −47.07 33
Pulp Myricetin 5281672 W84 −46.63 34
Pulp and seed Ferulic acid 445858 Y80, S155 −46.05 18 Y80, S155 −45.85 35
Pulp Myricetin 3-glucuronide 44259442 Y88, S89 −32.82 35 Y88, S89, N92 −45.78 36
Pulp and seed Ellagic acid 5281855 W84 −39.55 27 W84 −45.66 37
Pulp Laricitrin 3-glucoside 44259475 Y88, S89 −32.29 36 S89, N92, A94 −45.42 38
Pulp and seed Caffeic acid 689043 M135 −45.04 19 M135 −45.18 39
Pulp Myricetin 3-galactoside 5491408 Y88, S89, N92 −35.07 32 Y88, A94 −45.02 40
Pulp Laricitrin 3-galactoside 44259474 Y88 −30.58 37 Y88, S89 −43.36 41
Pulp Galloyl (+)-hexahydroxydiphenic acid 129733714 W84, D97, Y88, S89, N92 −29.24 39 L85, Y88, S89, N92, A94 −43.09 42
Pulp Myricetin 3-pentoside 21477996 Y88, S89 −30.17 38 S89 −40.98 43
Pulp Syringetin 3-glucoside 44259492 S89 −29 40 S89 −40.88 44
Pulp Vanillic acid 8468 M135, S155 −38.31 29 S155 −38.28 45
Pulp Valoneic acid 71308296 W84, L85, Y88, D97, S155 −22.87 43 S82, Y88, S89, N92 −37.98 46
n.a. Furanone C30 10131246 Y80, T140, S155 −34.39 33 W84 −33.6 47
Pulp and seed Gallic acid 370 S155 −35.29 31 S155 −33.34 48
Pulp Hexahydroxydiphenic acid 10315050 L85, Y88, S89, A94 −23.52 42 L85, S89 −27.67 49
Pulp Vescalagin (Castalagin) 168165 I69, Q70, L85, Y88, S89 430.49 49 M72, V75, Y88, S89, A94 212.99 50
Pulp Syringetin 3-galactoside 44259488 S89, N92 −27.29 41

n.a., not applicable; –, the compound did not bind to the CviR protein; Rank, binding affinity scale between CviR protein with 3-OH-C10-HSL, C10-HSL, C6-HSL, furanone C30, and 47 compounds found in pulp and seed extracts of S. cumini (L.) Skeels based on score value. The color of this scale is a color ramp ranging from dark pink (higher affinity) to dark green (lower affinity) and hyphen for no binding. The main results discussed in the text are shown with gray background.